Toxic Family Talk

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     After Kenny escaped from the cave, he was badly injured and is about to die.

Wendy: "Look, Levi; There he is. I can see Kenny."

Levi: "Alright, stay close to me and don't get near him."

Wendy: "Hold up, it doesn't seem like he's able to move anymore."

Levi: "That's new; Still, just stay close."

     Wendy stayed close to Levi as they walked over slowly and carefully. Once they reached Kenny, he got his attention.

Levi: "Kenny."

     Kenny looked up, and saw Levi with Wendy and Happy with him. His voice sounded bad, and he couldn't move so much.

Kenny: "Ah Shit; Not you 2 again."

     Wendy saw the serious wounds all over Kenny, and got concerned.

Wendy: "(Those wounds, how did he get them?)"

Levi: "We found what's left of your squad. It looks like they were crushed in the cave-in. I guess you were the only survivor?"

Kenny: "Sure looks that way."

     Levi doesn't want Happy to get involved with the situation for too long. So, he tells him to return with the others and give them the news.

Levi: "Happy, report back with Natsu and the others; We'll take care of things here."

Happy: "Are you sure?"

Wendy: "It's okay, Happy; Go ahead without us. We'll catch up with you later."

     Happy soon left to go tell the others leaving Levi and Wendy alone with Kenny while he's badly injured.

Levi: "Between the burns and the blood you've lost, there's nothing else that can save you now."

Kenny: "Oh yeah? I wonder."

     Kenny then took out a container that had a syringe and some serum inside. After they saw it, Wendy recognized it.

Wendy: "No way; Isn't that the same syringe that Rod had?"

Kenny: "Yep; Swiped this sucker outta his bag back in the cave. Seems if I'd just stig myself, I'll turn into a big strong Titan. 1 of the dumb ones, unfortunately. For awhile, it would keep me alive."

     Before he could get the chance, Levi noticed that he didn't move his arms at all.

Levi: "You had the time and strength to inject yourself before we got here if you wanted; Why didn't you?"

Kenny: "Fair point; I guess I'm just scared. If I don't inject it right, the I might turn out the same as Rod. All messed up like."

Levi: "I know you're not just sitting here waiting to bleed to death. Surely, you have a better excuse than that."

Kenny: "Well, Runt, the thing is I don't feel like dying without my dream coming true. But, I see now. After all this time, I think I see why he did it."

Levi: "Huh?"

Wendy: "What do you mean by that?"

     After a short painful laugh, Kenny told Levi and Wendy something that was true about the world their living in.

Kenny: "We humans are all the same; Every last 1 of us. For some, it's drinking. For some it's women. For some, even religion. Family, the King, dreams, children, power. All of us had to spend our lives drunk on something. Else, we'd have no cause to keep pushing on. Everyone was a slave to something."

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