Return of the Colossal Titan

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     After the smoke cleared, they saw Reiner's face completely blown up and couldn't move.


Natsu: "Don't get excited yet, Wendy! We still gotta find out where Bertolt is!"

     Wendy nodded her head in agreement, and kept a lookout for Bertolt. The others are shocked by how the results turned out on Reiner.

Gajeel: "HELL YEAH!! WE DID IT!!"

Sting: "We blew that Bastard's head off!"

Laxus: "The Armored Titan just bit the dust!"

Jean: "We pulled it off; You were a serious pain in the ass for us. Serves you right, you Scumbag."

     Just as Jean was glad about how they defeated Reiner, he saw Connie and Sasha on their knees crying as if they were scared about losing him.

Jean: "What the hell are you crying for!? Stop! Get up! We still have work to do! Don't cry for him! He would've done the same thing to us!"

     While everyone was cheering, Hanji took charge and gave her command.

Hanji: "This isn't over! We'll hit him with another volley just to be sure!"

     Natsu noticed that it wasn't completely done, and kept his guard up. He even carefully looked at Reiner and knew that he had another trick up his sleeves.

Natsu: "(Hanji's right; This seems almost too easy. No way would Reiner just fall like that.)"

Mikasa: "You okay?"

Armin: "I guess so; It's not like we can negotiate. Their side has the knowledge. They make us look just as ignorant as we are weak. We don't have the ability to capture someone who can transform into a Titan at will. Which means, that there was nothing we can do."

     Mikasa and Natsu knew that Armin was right, and comforted him. However, Reiner somehow got up partially, and unleashed a powerful scream that startled everyone. Even the Scouts on the other side of the wall heard it, and Levi got extremely worried about Wendy now.

Bertolt: "That's the signal! It's time!"

     After the signal was made, he was then thrown by the Beast Titan over the wall and prepared to attack. The squad knew that Reiner was calling for backup, and were ready to kill him.

Hanji: "Use your thunder spears! If we want him dead, we'll have to destroy his whole body!"

     After hearing that scream, Armin quickly figured out that Bertolt was coming.

Armin: "(That scream just now; Was it for Bertolt?)"

     Soon enough, he noticed a barrel plummeting from the sky, and alerted the others.

Armin: "Hanji, wait! We need to fall back for now! See that barrel!? I'm sure Bertolt's inside! If he transforms, we're done for!"

Bertolt: "(C'mon, Reiner! Hang in there! I'm coming!)"

     Once they saw the barrel, Each of the Scouts panicked and Hanji quickly alerted everyone to get away.

Erza: "(Oh my God! What was that!?)"

Levi: "(That scream!? Did Reiner call for backup!? Wendy, what the hell's happening over there!?)"

Erwin: "(They got us!)"

Hanji: "Shit! Everyone, move away from the Armored Titan! The Colossal Titan is falling towards us right now!"

Armin: "(No! Even at this distance, we'll all be caught in the blast!)"

The Heroes of ShiganshinaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz