The 57th Expedition

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     After a month of crazy training and cleaning, the day has come for the Scouts' 57th Recon Mission. Everyone was already off to search for the Cellar that contains the information on how to destroy the Titans completely. As they made their way out, they saw tall trees just up ahead of them.

Wendy: "Whoa, those trees are huge."

Natsu: "No kidding; There as big as the giants back home in Fiore."

Eren: "This forest is where most of the Titans come from, and try to kill many of our Comrades."

Petra: "Yeah, and it's never a pleasant sight to behold."

Levi: "Everyone, prepare to fire off smoke signals when you see a Titan."

All: "Sir!"

     Everyone in the squad then advanced into the forest, and noticed that the trees were much taller than they appear to be.

Eren: "Hey, Wendy; Where are Happy and the other Exceeds?"

Wendy: "They're doing an Ariel search over the trees. Natsu told them to keep an eye out for any possible enemies that could interfere with the mission."

Natsu: "If they spot anything suspicious at all, Lily will fire off an acoustic round."

Levi: "Sounds like a good idea to me. We'll need as many eyes out on patrol as we can. Head into the trees."

All: "Yes, Sir."

     Once the call was made, the squad made their way through the forest, and continued moving forward. However, they noticed that 3 members were missing in the group.

Eren: "Hey, Natsu? Where are Laxus, Cobra, and Erza? Weren't they just with us earlier before we left."

Natsu: "It's alright, Eren; Erza went to Erwin so that she could help him set up the trap, and I told Laxus and Cobra to help Armin out in case if something went wrong with his team."

Gajeel: "Having a bit of backup can be a good thing every once in a while."

Wendy: "Plus, you never know when you might need help with a dangerous task."

Petra: "That's true."

Eld: "Yep."

Gunter: "I hear ya, Kid."

Oluo: "Of course, you would say that; It's obvious that the runt needs a lot of protection around Titans. Especially when you've got someone on your team who can't-."

     Oluo then bit his tongue while he was riding and shot a small ounce of blood on the ground. Petra got annoyed with his behavior.

Petra: "That's what you get for flapping your jowls while riding horseback."

     Wendy then giggled a little bit after Petra's roast, and continued to stay focused on the mission. As they were moving forward, Levi asked Wendy about her Magic.

Levi: "Hey, Wendy; Are there any other skills you Dragon Slayers can do that we're supposed to know about?"

Wendy: "Of course; We Dragon Slayers have enhanced sight, hearing, and smell so that we can track down our enemies from miles away."

Eren: "Whoa, that's really cool."

Natsu: "It comes in very handy when we need to track down our prey. The only downside is that when we're on moving vehicles, we all get motion sickness very easily."

Eren: "Seriously? That sucks."

Sting: "Yeah; Even if it's an emergency, there's no point on telling that to a Dragon Slayer's stomach."

Rogue: "Never a good sign for any of us at all."

Gajeel: "For real; It's a pain in the ass to try and control it."

Levi: "Wendy, don't you have some kind of spell that could prevent motion sickness easily."

Wendy: "Yeah, but the more times I use it the less effective it becomes."

Eren: "I'm sure you'll figure it out somehow, Wendy."

Wendy: "Thanks, Eren."

     Eren then smiled at her and blushed a little bit as to not draw attention from his comrades. Although, Levi saw his face, and got jealous. Plus, he couldn't risk showing it towards his squad.

Levi: "So, Kid, can you use any kind of enchantment that could restore life by any chance?"

Wendy: "Actually yeah, I do; Although, this spell is something that I still need to work on."

Petra: "Really?"

Wendy: "I'll show you what it is later. I only use it once a month because, it uses up a lot of my energy. Plus, I'm not sure if Sasha can keep up with our energy."

Eren: "Speaking of which, Sasha and her team are at the front of the forest by now, right?"

Natsu: "Hey, yeah, so are Mikasa, Jean, and Connie. I don't know for sure if Armin made it there yet though."

Gajeel: "I'm sure the bookworm will be fine; Besides, he's got Laxus and Cobra with him."

Rogue: "Oh God, I really hope she's ok."

Sting: "Maybe we should help them out in case there's any Titans in their area."

Natsu: "Good idea; Sting, Rogue, Go check on the other Scouts, and give them some backup just in case."

Rogue: "We're on it."

Sting: "Let's go, Rogue."

     Sting and Rogue then headed off to find Sasha's squad, and helped give them some help. As they were still off, the rest of the squad made their way further in the forest prepared for what might come next. While continuing forward, Wendy was deep in thought about what happened to 'The Exceed Squad'.

Wendy: "(It's been 30 minutes now, and we still haven't heard from 'The Exceed Squad'. I wonder what happened to them. Hopefully, nothing serious happened. Still, they're probably waiting for the right moment to shoot off an acoustic round and put it in clear sight. I hope everything is ok with them.)"

     While Wendy was still focused on moving forward after finally snapping out of her thoughts, Eren glanced over at her and noticed that she was feeling a bit anxious as they were all still advancing.

Eren: "(Man, Wendy is really serious about this mission. Has she always been like this while dealing with other problems back in her hometown? If she has, then I want to know more about her. There's still so much about her and the others that really want to know.)"

     What they all don't know yet was that they're about to have an unexpected guest showing up, and soon crashing the Expedition.
To be continued...

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