~The jonual~

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-The song has nothing to do with the story I just like it.
-Summary: Just two fags being gay.

-Fantasizing about people, degrading, making out.

Billy was watching a movie while Stu was downstairs making popcorn. "Why the fuck is it so quiet?" Billy said to himself, angrily. The brunette tore apart the bed, looking for the remote. He found it under the bed along with a notebook.

"The fuck is this?" Billy said, flopping down on the bed. Billy flipped it open and started to read it. "Holy fuck." Billy said, smiling yet shocked. It was a bunch of Stu fantasizing about Billy. And not it the cute way, it was y'know.

It was almost 5 pages of it also. Stu walked in just as Billy was done reading them. "Oh shit." Stu says, seeing the book in Billy's hands. "The popcorn done?" Billy says, closing the book and putting in on the nightstand.

Stu simply nodded and sat at the end of the bed away from Billy. "Can you come here." The brunette says, sitting up on his elbows. Stu stayed quiet and just stared at the TV, as his leg started bouncing his leg. "Dude. Come here." Billy asks again.

The blonde hesitated for a moment but scooted back until he was sitting beside Billy. The brunette slowly slid his hand under Stu's sweater and started rubbing his back. Stu gasped but didn't push him away, he instead leaned into it.

Billy smirked and pulled Stu down on his back. "You want me Stu?" Billy said, looking down at the now breathless boy. Stu didn't answer verbally but nodded instead. "Words please." The brunette said, smirking.

"Yes." The blonde said quietly. "The things you wrote in that book could only be written by a slut. Are you a slut Stu?" Billy said, his face a hair away from Stu's. When Stu didn't answer Billy went to kissing his neck.

A moan escaped Stu's throat, blowing his cover that he thought was air tight. Billy smiled against his Adams apple before pulling off his own shirt. "You look pretty." Stu says finally. "Thank you, darling. You pretty also." The brunette said.

Stu smiled as Billy's warm hands up his feverish stomach and sides.


Stu woke up splayed out on his bed. The blonde sat up and saw Billy walk in the door. Once he saw he was up he walked to Stu and pulled him closer. He quickly placed a rough kiss onto the blonde's lips, but Stu was the one to tangle their tongues together.

Billy smiled and pushed deeper into the kiss, making Stu fall on his back. "Woah calm down studmuffin." The blonde giggled. Billy rolled his eyes, smiling, "Shut up." He said playfully.

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