(Request; Stickvin Fluff) Admitting To Feelings

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Request: henry x charles, them trying to confess to each other


What was originally meant to be two best friends only hanging out together on a late crisp fall night after a long day turned out to be much more than either would have initially expect at first. Though Henry knew better then to be blindly unaware planning to take their close friendship to the next level. In his earlier attempts it tended to blow up in his face spectacularly so when given the chance he wasn't going to mess it up. Now he anxiously walked aroind in a circle waiting for the other to arrive to their set destination in the park nowhere near the hectic busyness that came with living in the city. Then checking the time on his watch seeing it was near nine o'clock he tiredly sighs hopeful that he won't cowardly back down.  

"Hey, Henry. Sorry if I'm a little late. Got caught up in traffic" A familiar voice went to eagerly call out, relaxing the nerves in Henry who stands there shifts just allowing Charles to babble on. "You won't believe how bad it is out there? There was a really bad police chas-?" 

Polietly listening on he sat down on the nearest wooden bench, patting the seat next to him watching the man slowly get the hint and doing the same. 

"Almost forgot about that. You said there was something you wanted to talk to me about? I hope it isn't anything bad?" 

Shaking his head in reassurance it was far from being anything remotely bad when the ex-convict tries to figure out what to say next hopeful he'll get this right.  

"I like you" After stewing in the awkwardly tense silence filling the air around them thanks to his indecisiveness, Henry bluntly spoke up, dark blue eyes staring outwards at the oak trees blocking their parth where he trudged along despite desiring to beat himself senseless, "A lot" 

"As a friend? I know that Henry. We're the bestest friends around. We work so well together what else would we be?" 

"N-no. No. Charles. Not like that. I mean more then that" 

Suddenly the pilot came to the necessary realization like an abrupt slap to the face what the ex-convict was trying to say, "Oh. Ah, okay. I think I get it now" 

"Uh huh"

"I never would've thought you liked me in that way?" Charles murmured, brushing his hands in his windblown hair, giving his best smile albeit it was crooked showing off too many teeth in the process. 

"Yeah. When we first met during that Toppat assignment. Then it grew stronger the more time we spent together" Henry admitted, easily noting how red-faced they both were once admitting to their long overdue feelings. "I like everything about you. You're everything I'm not or never will be. Funny, charismatic, lovable, and whatever else that draws people to you" 

"C'mon, Hen... Don't say that. You're amazing too. Highly intelligent, clever, just amazing, that's or sure. I won't list them all 'cause I know you know them and we're be here all night"

"I really do love you. Maybe I should've said something earlier too myself yet I didn't know how to. I never felt this strongly about someone else before?" Charles shrugged, face a bright red showing that he was on the exact same boat the other man was in for months never having enough confidence. 

"I'm so glad you feel the same way. I was so worried you wouldn't" Henry held onto Charles' hand gently squeezing, feeling the comforting warmth seep in. "Of course I would've been fine with being friends" 

"You don't have to worry. We can be more then that. I feel the same way"  

"Good. That's good" Slowly nudging closer in his seat, Henry was relieved to hear the man, his best and only friend express the same sentiments back. "I love you" 

It was then when he was fully aware of what happened next, growing in total awe that Charles leaned in to bridge the gap for a quick kiss. 

"Love you too" 

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