(Request) Sharing A Pillow

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Request: Hey, hope you are doing well! If you want to, how about four for the forced proximity prompts? Thank you either way!

Heya, thank you for the request as I love writing for my favorite odd ship. Also, I'm sorry for the long wait. Always open for requests and I'm welcome to any prompt

4) There’s only one pillow, and neither of you can sleep without one. You both end up using each half of the pillow to rest your head on, causing your faces to be only a few inches apart.

Now I decided once again to write this ship as a pre-canon one-shot where they're in their mid-late twenties.


"Awe. Look at this? There's only one pillow here" Quentin loudly states, far too smug for Hershell when they look down at the floor where a flat pillow resides, "Guess that means we have to share?"

"Share? Really. How are we going to share one measly pillow together?" Hershell says awkwardly. "We ain't doing that" 

"What's the problem in it?" 

"The problem is we'll be on top of one another. More than we already are in this cramped base?" 

"Yeah, and? It's not like we haven't done this sort of thing before? Where I was on top and then you were below me enjoying it, so uh…?" 

Shrugging his shoulders, the younger man smirks and Hershell groans, exhausted yet by the other's statement made the blood rush in like a dam broke past the walls. 

"Quincy, please. Too much and not right now or here" 

"Too much what? Hersh, my oh so sweet Hershey. I was explaining our sleeping arrangements. What were you going on about?" Quentin lightly chuckles, already knowing what was going in his mind. 

"I'm tired and I don't feel like doing this" 

"Okay. Okay, I can see the poor baby is tired. You can take the pillow. You need it more than I do. That's for sure" 

"Are you sure? I'll be fine without… You know what. Take i-"

Sympathetically Quentin softened his brashness where he allowed genuine care for Hershell to show, "Hersh. I'm fine. Don't need it that badly. I've slept through worse situations" 

Turning to face him Hershell is in a tough spot, he could take the pillow and leave Quentin with nothing - an asshole move the more he thinks on it or have the man take it leaving him in a restless sleep for the night. Neither seemed to be good options.  

"Don't know how comfortable I am with doing so. I… You're right. Maybe we can share it?" Rubbing at his neck Hershell then plops down on the floor, taking the pillow trying to fluff it up with no success and taking the blanket. "If that's alright with you? I know you were joking earlier, and I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. But it sounds like a good idea. Rare when its coming from you"

Watching Quentin with one eye still open he lets out a wide mouthed yawn curiously observing as the other stays standing, very tense arms wrapped tightly around his stomach

"I wasn't joking. Being kinda serious there. You're… Really nice to cuddle with. I. I don't need the pillow. I like sleeping on top of you. You're very nice" Quentin slowly descends, sitting on his knees a bit away from Hershell. "Didn't mean to make you feel bad either. Like you needed to share" 

"No. Oh, no. You didn't at all. I wouldn't hesitate. I enjoy it when you're here. With me at night or any time in the day. It helps me sleep and you're the only person who's not bothered by my loud snoring" 

"You do snore. Badly. Like having a train next to my ear" Smiling shyly, Quentin scoots close while Hershell opens his arms to welcome him in. 

"I do. You on the other hand are a terrible night owl. A insomniac" 

"I know. You still adore me" 

"Sure. Somehow"

Humming softly in Hershell's neck, face nuzzling in as warm breath hits Quentin on the contrary to was drifting to sleep, slowly yet surely in no time. Nearly intimate in his personal space, faces brushing against one another, their breathing held in perfect rhythm Hershell secretly relished in the closeness, keeping a protectively firm hold.  

"Somehow I love you" 

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