(Request) Hidden Love

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Request: Here's a request I have: so, in a "Triple Threat" ending, Henry slowly realizes that he's in love with both Charles & Ellie and that he don't want to choose between one of the two. Whether he confesses is up to you, but it's that, him being in love with his two best friends and being very happy when he thinks about it, some good fluff.


Oftentimes Henry likes to daydream, an escape from reality where it soon becomes a daily occurrence for him to drift into his mind surrounded with his inner thoughts. 

'I like you. Both of you' Henry would let himself imagine saying to his best friends though he was unable to muster up the courage, afraid they wouldn't return his feelings, 'I love you'

So he dutifully kept it a secret to allow his friendship with the two to remain intact, simply bottling it up. Now it's post-mission, they're back at their shared apartment, and he was pleasantly smooshed in the middle of an affectionate, strictly platonic cuddle pile he dimly presumed. Warmth radiating off them breezing past his skin causing sensitive goosebumps. Despite being tired to the bone the ex-thief couldn't fall asleep, his eyes glued to the ceiling. What hadn't helped was the pair snuggling close to him. 

Shamefaced Henry knew he was enjoying this deep down, obvious in his attraction for his two dearest friends he was being overly needy, desiring their comfort. 

"Okay over there, Henry? You seem a little out of it?" Ellie curiously asked, weeks prior she caught him staring in oblivion. 

"I'm fine. Little tired that's all" Henry then lied, he didn't admit he was in fact staring at her and Charles with adoring love in his eyes. 

Then Charles scooted over and Henry could feel the man's soothing presence next to him, "You're sure? You can always talk to us if something is bothering you?" 

"Hm. I'm fine" Smiling with noticeable strain, Henry's careful to pick the correct words to not further worry them. "Maybe I'm just thankful to have you two in my life. To have you as my best friends" 

"Oh, you can be so mushy sometimes" Her boisterous laughter rang in Henry's ears as she made her way to sit next to the man, ensuring he was comfortable. 

"Yeah. Yeah. I can be appreciative, can I?"

"You can, you big, soft baby. We didn't know you had this in you?"

Charles instantly joined in, bubbly voice ringing in the air, an arm loosely hanging off Henry's shoulders, "Awe. Thank you, Hen. We care for you too. Underneath all this silent appeal you keep on" Lightly poking a finger into the man's side, he cheerfully continues on, "You can be amazing. So priceless and clever. Very charming. That's exactly why we like you so much" 

In the present time, around midnight to be precise Henry noticed on the clock he's anxiously nibbled at his inner cheek, "I love you guys" 

Guiltily knowing they were fast asleep and he was wide awake he was freely able to admit his feelings in the open. Even if his friends weren't there to hear the words leave his lips, he was relieved to some extent to get it off his chest. Maybe one day he'll share it with them, a bit hopeful they will share the same sentiments back however he was content in his current position. Cuddled against them, wrapped in a blanket burrito and closing his eyes Henry fell asleep. 

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