(Request) RightRose Tipsy Kisses

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Request: Hhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnggggggg I feel bad about asking again, but I really like your writing.

Could you draw do 18) drunk kiss and 27) slow kiss with Roseright again?

I understand completely if you’re tired of this ship, so don’t worry too much about it

Tw/Tags: Toppat Recruits, Established Relationship, Alcohol Use, Drunken Shenanigans, Drunk Kissing, & Drunk Ellie

This comes from the kisses prompt on the Tumblr account; https://mirclealignr.tumblr.com/post/672841383101530112/types-of-kisses-prompt-list


"You're so beautiful. I can totally take you on right here and now" Ellie slurred, a wide cat-like grin playing on her face if she was the predator cornering her vulnerable prey although she didn't look threatening like she seemed when toppling over the larger, half cybernetic man who easily caught her in his strong muscled arms. 
"Uh huh. Don't you think you've had enough, sweetheart? You nearly drunk everyone else from under the table" 
"Oh. Please. You haven't seen anything yet. Henry's worse off then I am" 
"Henry is in a whole league of his own, my dear. He's a lightweight" He whispered in her ear, apart from the sweet words of nothingness that were spoken his lips were brushing across her jawline leaving soft nips on her reddening skin. "But you on the other hand are just as bad. Worse even. That's why I'm here making sure you're fine. Safe and healthy, that's all" 
"Hmph. You're only here to get a feel of me. See if I'm more moldable to your touchy feely hands" 
"Yuuup. Sure That's what you like to believe" Rolling his eyes, an easy going Right chuckled when feeling Ellie lay her arms across his broad shoulders upon him swooping in to carry her. 
"You're amazing" She leaned in particularly close, fingers tangling in Right's long hair then gripping with light force to draw them in for an intense short lived kiss albeit it was sloppily rushed, "And I love you so much" 
Returning the kiss with a touch more tact in their given situation, slower in pace, Right managed to keep a steady and stable hold on his drunken partner; he led them out from the main area to a more secluded place giving them the necessary privacy. 
"Such a romantic sap, you are, Red. I love you as well" Another smooch had soon occurred, both taking their sweet time as Ellie pinned to the wall pushed to further deepen the kiss and Right gave her access into his mouth. "Just don't love your stank breath" 

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