(Request) Valiant Together

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Request: So Charles x Henry, with the Valiant Hero timeline, but with a small twist

Basically, Henry remembers the different timeline endings and had gone through the Valiant Hero ending before, so he's just going along with it until they get to the Escape Pods. Henry seems to freeze and stands there for a bit till the Tophats get there (the one that dragged Henry out of the Pod and.... ya know) and once he hears them he immediately shoves Charles into the pod and shuts it. Henry does survive cuz I do want some happiness and not just endless angst

I had two different versions from that point in my head, and I'll just throw them out (you don't have to use either one, just givin' it out) which are this:

1. Charles actually grabs Henry and pulls him into the pod as well before the doors close, or
2. Henry gets into another pod in time.


As the loud fiery explosion of the Toppats orbital station settled down to a light sizzle in the empty vacuum of space neither man managed to say much during their descent back to Earth.

"That. That wasn't the greatest of plans…" 

Taking in deep, shallow breath, Henry shakily nodded, turning to face the man who sat on the opposite side of the pod with him. 

"It wasn't. At all" Rubbing his scrunched up face over and over again Henry shook off the awful nagging feeling bubbling up in his stomach. "Are you alright?" 

"Oh yes. I am. I'm totally fine. Don't worry about me" Charles weakly smiled, lazily swinging his legs. 

"You were right though earlier. That wasn't the smartest move on either of our parts… We could've gotten hurt or died back there. We almost did…" 

"But we didn't, did we?" 

Dropping his hands onto his lap with a soft thump Henry slipped a frustrated sigh past his lips, "Still. It matters. What if something bad were to happen to you and I couldn't do anything about it? I wouldn't be able to live through that pain again"  

"Again? Henry... I don't understand?" The pilot stood up and he struggled to stay still due to the pod's natural shakiness, "I know you're scared. I am too. Shitting bricks to be honest" 
Somehow managing to walk over without falling was a success in Charles' book as he plops down beside Henry, placing his hand delicately on the man's lap. 

"You can talk to me. We have time before we land" Looking at Henry with big puppy eyes, he knew it was working in making the ex-thief relax. 

"It's difficult to explain" Immediately he grasped at Charles' hand, squeezing it lightly to ease his nerves, "Well, I've been having these… Recurring nightmares… They're mostly about you. You dying in situations like this and I couldn't do anything to stop it" 

Swallowing the sickeningly bile down his throat Henry stared out the clear window unable to bear the thoughts swimming in his mind. "The most recent…" Now he was struggling to find the right words that for a split second he grew tense, voice croaking at the next sentence, "... It was like this. You were left behind. I was stuck here… I can only help but to watch helpless as you die in that exact explosion" 

Serious in a way Henry had never seen on Charles before when he turned to face the pilot, he was uncertain whether what was said was the correct move, "I'm sorry you have to deal with that, Hen. The only thing I can say is that we're here. Safe and still kicking. And I won't go anywhere, I'll make sure. You can never ever get rid of me"   

His stern facial expression then changed dramatically to a softer look that Henry was much more familiar with, fonder if he puts it as he nudged a bit nearer, "Good. I wouldn't know what to do in the case you leave. I care too much about you" 

Allowing to rest his head on Charles' shoulder Henry slumped his exhausted figure against the man, eyelids were growing in growing exhaustion. 

"You're everything to me, Char. I have dreams too with you in them. I wish they were real. They feel so real" He yawns in his hand. 

"Hm. Is that so?" Charles tiredly hums, seemingly exhausted as well yet somehow stays awake wrapping a protective arm around him drawing them closer, "I like you too. Maybe if you want when we get back to Earth… We can possibly do something together? After we get sorted, that is and get a good night's rest in you"

"Yeah. That would be so nice" 

"Good. That's a date then" 

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