(Request; Two One-Shots)

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Request: How about V (abandoned place) for the Ask game with Terrence Suave, please? Or M (rain/snow/storm) with Bernadette? (Whomever you want to write about the most)

From the writer ask game; https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/lifeorbeth/123078064702?source=share

I decided to do both Terrence Suave and my Oc, Bernadette Warner. Both are separate one-shots here. Also, if there's any questions, asks and or requests for prompts for either character you can send it in if you want

Terrence Suave (V: An abandoned or empty place):

Tw/Tags: Minor Angst, Terrence Suave Whump, Mental Anguish, & Ambiguous Timeline (preferably one where the Toppats got into space)

Bernadette Warner (M: When it rains/snows/storms) First time writing my Oc so I was happy to do this. As well, same goes for Galeforce (who is a secret favorite of mines):

Tw/Tags: Nothing Major Here. Just Fluff and humor (an attempt at it cause that's not my strong suit)


Terrence Suave (V: An abandoned or empty place):
"I was a really bad leader, wasn't I?" 
Surely looking like he was going mad with emotions he wasn't used to experiencing, Terrence spoke out to himself knowing no one else was there to reply back in an abandoned Toppat base. 
"I get it. I was awful. Reginald had every right to dethrone me. But this is truly unfair, really" He grumbled, kicking the loose rock from the crumbling cement floor, "I've got nobody. He has everything anyone can wish for. Living it up in space with endless riches and loyal love… And then he has the dang nerve to think I should be punished for a lifetime" 
Walking around in a circle likely wearing down a route beneath his feet while he repetitively waved his arms all over the place above his head Terrence irritably groaned plopping down in a spare seat. 
"And this stupid ancient TV isn't doing me any favors either" As he hit the top of said TV the screen was displaying yet another highly successful raid of the Toppats, their orbital space station flapping in endless starry skies with Reginald's smugly prideful face made it about ten times worse until to his relief immediately turned to black. 
'And tell me now who's fault is that, hm?'  
Swirling around to face the unknown voice that rudely yet truthfully mocked him for all his inadequacy in life, the disheveled man once so rich in practically anything he could wish for, previously decked out with expensive jewelry was currently worse for wear when he saw a familiar face staring down at him. 
'I did tell you after all that you would be the downfall of yourself" Reginald had noted with a signature cheshire grin that irritated Terrence so much. 
"You're not there. I know it so go away" 
It was painfully true, his mind wasn't what it used to be years ago and right at this moment proved it when he felt his sanity slowly slipping from him, 'Oh. Don't talk to an old friend like that. I know we didn't end our friendship in an amicable manner but this is downright rude, don't you think so, Terri?'
"Just leave me alone… Please" Terrence pitifully pleaded.
'Honestly this is just sad. Pathetic even. Terrence Suave, I thought you'll be living the high life no matter what happens like you said? Right before I left you for dead? Plainly put this is worse than death, huh?'  
Twirling the ends of his curled mustache with two fingers, an odd comforting habit, the spirit strutted over his free hand freely waving around in the air to prove a point. 
'Held up in an old base of ours hiding away from the outside world? As if anyone cared where you were anyways whether you were dead or alive" 
"I said shut up!!!" 
As Terrence yelled, his voice cracking in complete despair, his entire body shook uncontrollably as he desperately got ahold of something, a large rock, throwing it directly towards Reginald's direction with aimed precision. Like expected though the spirit disappeared in an instant and the rock unexpectedly crashed into the already broken Tv screen. Shielding himself from the thousand glass shards that came his way then laid quite haphazardly across the floor where Terrence stood there stiff like an unmoving statue. His breathing was unsteady, erratic, pupils like pin pricks as he hunched over, arms wrapped around his middle attempting to regain his composure, mind, and body. 
It came to him with little success. 
Bernadette Warner (M: When it rains/snows/storms):
"You're absolutely drenched, Hubs" She loudly chuckled at the wet misery that was her dear tiredly stumbling into their shared tent. 
"Yes. Unfortunately it started pouring just a while ago. And I got caught in the midst of it" 
"Your poor ol' thing" She stood up from her seat near their desk, wiping the water from the man's face with her thumbs, "Is there anything I can do for you, hun?" 
"I'm over sixty, Bernadette so please. Just spare your false sympathy here. I know you're trying to hold back the laughter"
Resisting the growing urge to indeed laugh, her will did eventually break into a fit of plentiful, deep rooted laughter that echoed throughout the tent's thin, flimsy walls. 
"Okay you big baby. I was only trying to help being a long-term doctor and your supportive, loving wife here but go ahead then you can be an old, stubborn sore loser with me. I've had to deal with it for over thirty years as your partner and more if you're counting the times we were kids?" 
Though Bernadette continued to laugh before it soon died down in due time to a repressed mild-mannered snort, she fondly watched on to how Hubert merely huffed back so used to her playful antics. Nor did he pull back from her touch, rather decided to lean into it with a loving smile when she cupped his damp face with her dry hands. Short, well trimmed, and clean nails then threaded through his long mustache and beard currently in such a messy disarray where she made sure it looked properly nice once again. A tiny perfectionist side of her always wanted to trim Hubert's facial hair to something a bit more manageable or not have it at all - she never particularly liked it - however she didn't mind now. She just admires the man in silence, lightly gripping his beard and then tugging him close, her lips capturing his in a kiss.

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