(Request; RoseRight) Messy Kisses

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Requested Ask: Hi! Would you mind doing 28 or 36 with Ellie Rose and the Right Hand Man?

This comes from the kisses prompt on the Tumblr account; https://mirclealignr.tumblr.com/post/672841383101530112/types-of-kisses-prompt-list

Hi, thank you so much for the prompts and by the way I decided to combine them into one if you don't mind. Hopefully now this wasn't too long of a wait and that you enjoyed this one-shot even if it may be a touch rough.

28) sloppy kisses
36) reunion

Tw/Tags: Toppat Recruits, Minor Violence, Minor Injuries, Character Disappearances, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sweet Pet Names, Domestic Fluff, Mushy Love, & Established Relationships 


Many months, three months to be exact if one was to count after the newest Toppat Recruit a spectacular young woman with tons of respectable determined drive, Ms. Ellie Rose whose quite sudden and unexplained disappearance had made Right a painfully empty shell of himself until this very moment with their equally matched reunion. 
"I thought I'll never see you again" Once he found her again she was all battered up, worn for tear clearly as she wore hideously tattered rags previously her form-fitting lilac suit, and all the while was way too anxious to tell the detailed story on how she got her in the first place, he decided to ignore it for now and instead acted upon his protective instinct clung onto her like a lifeline. 
"... I'm sorry… It's hard to explain. I wouldn't want to worry you…" She let out a faint grunt of pain when tilting her head a little off to the side, bright red locks pushed away from her shoulders as he peppered messy kisses on her neck, shoulders, and most importantly her lips, "... I'm back though and I missed you so much…" 
"Okay. That… That's fine for now, my dear rose" 
Before long the two red heads were together alone again in their room on the clan's secret base, Ellie currently lying on her back in bed, all her limbs limply spread over, exhausted to the bone. Dressed in her most comfiest nightwear trying to relax whereas Right very quietly was worryingly hovering above the hurt woman straddling her lap. Then after with the utmost respect he can even muster in his entirety life began to gently pepper more kisses on his dear whilst tending to her minor to the more serious injuries. His large hands brushed underneath the soft fabric across her ribcage just below the breast where upon thumbing the area noted the faintest purplish gray bruises resided on. It'd left an awful taste in his mouth as well an array of horrible emotions flooding his head in an instant, face scrunched up at the angering thoughts it provided until he broke, locking his firm gaze onto glossy ruby red eyes that stared up at him. Her pale, dry lips started to tremble, tears craving to come forth fighting to remain calm, she strongly hated expressing anything that can be deemed remotely weak in front of anyone, be it with strangers, close friends, or even loved ones, including him, yet he openly encouraged it for a better recovery. 
"Again I'm really sorry to have disappeared for so long. It must've hurled so much" She went to apologize though he interrupted her. 
"There's nothing in the whole world that would make this your fault. Honesty I'm so stinken' glad your back, rose petal" 
"You're too sweet" A weak attempt to laugh made Ellie wince and more so when he planted messy little smooches on her face as she returned the gesture in near equal energy, "Thank you" 
Tangling her shaky fingers in his long, braided auburn red hair, she managed somehow to sit up, propping her already weak body against the propped pillows beside her in order to deepen the kiss.  
"I just love you so much" She murmured in a low hush in-between their heated, sloppy makeout session. 
"Love you too, darling" 

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