(Request) Found Again

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Request: If this is too big an ask, don’t worry about it, but about the Whump writing prompt? I really liked the one you wrote about Terrence for the Ask I did a while back when he was in an abandoned place. He didn’t have any comfort then, so maybe someone can take care of him now? Probably would be somebody wondering what he was doing in the place and they see how bad of shape he’s in. It can be an OC or canon character who finds him, whoever you like (but I like your OCs).

Thank you either way. Hope that you are doing well!

This one-shot is based off the previous revolving Terrence at ch 15.  By the way, here's a new Oc, Honey Kinsley. I do have plans for her in the future. So if any one of you are interested in her, you can send in questions or etc.

Tw/Tags: Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Character Whump - Terrence Suave, Emotional Manipulation, Complicated Relationships, & Open/Ambiguous Endings


"Never would've thought I'd see the day come to fruition Seeing you here, Terrence Suave, in the flesh, alive no less. I'm so surprised" Honey observed, positivity just radiating off her very being, eyeing the disheveled man in amusement. 

In response, Terrence didn't know what to say, allowing the woman to ramble his ear off, her high pitched voice leaving a lasting migraine inducing impact in its wake. 

"You look like a mess, dear" Turning to face him fully she cuts then in, the tone drastically changed to a dull monotone.

"I know…" 

"Whatever happened to you?" 

"... Reginald happened. The dethroning happened. Everyone was against me. All at once, I couldn't do anything when I was captured by the Wall right afterwards. Only recently did I get out" Dragging his hands down his face, feeling the deep wrinkles he aged terribly over the years given the high stress, "You were there, weren't you? You saw what happened. Everyone did. I can't show my face in public now" 

"Hm, I was. I must admit he did play dirty with you… Some people truly have no shame nowadays. The whole clan itself never did. Generous prosperity that turned to ugly greed" Tutting, Honey shook her head clearly unimpressed, "But no matter. I found you again. You don't ever to worry again"  

"Huh? I don't understand" 

"You're living in an old, abandoned shack,  Terrence. You couldn't pay me to live here if you even had money to begin with and you were the clan's leader. Have you no shame? Don't you want more than this? To be a powerful leader once again? Or at least be somebody then this?"  

In awkward uncertainty Terrence stiffly shrugged, keeping his arms to his sides admitting in shameful truth he wasn't living the best life he once dreamt of, "I was the leader, yes… I was someone. Nobody who was good… I don't want to do that again. Have people rely on me and watch my every move ready to attack at every mistake I make" 

"I get that. You don't have to return to that though. I left the clan over a decade or two ago… I have made a new name for myself since then. I'm the current leader of a whole new group. The Royals. You would be a perfect addition" 

"I don't know… Don't think I'll be any good joining into another clan like entity"

"It's not like that. Far from it. We're doing something else. A safe place for all lost souls to reside in. To be themselves while helping make a new world" 

Remaining on edge, Terrence put some distance from the woman, wrapping his lanky arms around himself, "A different take, I guess from what the Toppats were doing? They never did that…" 

"I only want what's best for you, dear. We want what's better for this cruel world you live in. We all live in" Holding out a soft, small hand towards the man, a welcoming gesture, Honey widely grinned, "You know that, right? So what do you say? We're in an agreement?"

Then everything slowed down, she was awaiting an answer sooner rather than later and Terrence blurted it out given no time to think it over, he wanted to return to his old life in any shape it came in. 

"Alright. I'm in" 

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