(Request) Secrets Must Be Kept

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Request: - toppat henry and gov charles are dating and despite their jobs sneak around, itd be romantic!

Tw/Tags: Toppat Recruits, Secret Relationships, Complex Relationships, Enemy Lovers, Mild Angst, Romance, Mild Sexual Content, & Ambiguous Morals


"Go away. Leave" Stuck in an unfavorable situation caused by the other Charles let's out a muffled hiss, arms crossed over his chest, "You shouldn't be here" 

Awkwardly stiff in posture Charles didn't nudge a bit when uneasily watching the Toppat member circle around, observing him from head to toe. 

"C'mon, Char Char. You ought to be nice to me here. After everything I've done for you. I thought a lil' visit would help after we've been separated for so long?" 

"We can get caught, Henry. It wouldn't end well for either one of us and most certainly you" Charles spat out, strictly keeping it professional, the stern aloofness of any dull soldiers stayed with a vengeance that in Henry's opinion he never could begin to enjoy. "I told you I wanted this to end the last time we met up. You're testing your luck again" 

In respect he kept up a near respectively practiced carefree attitude Henry strutted over to the standoffish military pilot, "And who's fault would that be, hm?" 


Then he ran his cold flat hand on Charles' hip, sliding underneath the many layers of thick layers to feel the soft, warm skin. He could obviously see the scars alongside the colorful love bites he inflicted on the other still in his twisted pride brought him mild satisfaction. During their last meeting months prior he took the pilot by surprise,  greedily attacking the other's bare neck with hickeys that now already faded to near non-existence. Each time managing to draw crimson blood, often metallic in taste, long tongue greedily up lapping the dripping mess craves to experience it once more. What he'll do to taste the man again however before the recruit can satisfy his urges, his hand was harshly slapped away, his partner's large eyes glared directly into his unwavering soul, remaining unforgiving about the harsh action done. 

"You do know we can't continue to do this?" 

"Sweetheart… Baby, please relax. It's me, your Hen. My bosses won't know nor your general either. You'll feel much better if we get this started, I know it" He said simply, ignoring the stinging feeling in his hand. 

"Oh really? You're so sure about that, Hen?"

Nodding silently Henry knew his ranking in the clan as the newest, most impressive recruit ever seen he would be trusted just enough to not be suspected in starting up a secret, forbidden relationship with the enemy. For Charles though it was different as he was the best pilot the military has to offer then there were people, the general, his friends wouldn't have been expected from him it hurt too much to do such a cruel betrayal. 

"… Let's get this over with then…" Charles tiredly mutters, "... You want me, I can see that from a mile away…" 
"Charles. At least be happy that I'm here. That we're together" 

"I am. I'm happy to be here with you… I need you. I love you... I worry we will get caught one day. I can't stand the looming possibility that everything we worked so hard respectively might be yanked from under our feet. I don't want to be separated from you" 

Bending down to be at Charles' eye level, Henry calmly reassured, holding the man's soft cheek in hand, "We won't. I make sure of it"  

"Alright. That's good" Closing the gap, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Henry decided to tangle his fingers in Charles' curly hair. Charles loosely wrapped his arms around the taller man's shoulders. Pulling apart, breathing heavy on both ends and flushed, the pilot's icy exterior decided to melt. Knowing full well they were treading on thin ice together he finally attempted to savor every single moment. It never felt enough for them so Charles took the initiative and clawed at the Toppats' fine, midnight suit wanting more to actually feel his comforting presence.
"You're amazing, Charles. I love you"

Then peppering kisses all over Henry's face, Charles genuinely grinned, "You too. I love you so much"

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