(Request) Monster Hunter

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The Original post and poster down below; https://at.tumblr.com/deity-prompts/hello-i-really-like-your-prompts-and-im/t3r3e3nybggw)

B = Henry who's a monster hunter & A = Right is a vampire.

Prompt: B comes from a family of hunters, but they’re a pacifist who hates the idea of hurting anything. While on a hunt, B comes across a seriously injured A. They tend to them in secret, nursing A back to help.

I kinda did my own thing here, not exactly following the prompt up above. But it does go that way but after the fact where the two are already in an established relationship.


"You look nice" Henry hesitates at first then looks ahead at the man, "Though don't you think this is a bit excessive?"

"What do you mean?" 

"This. The layers of sweaters, scarfs and the ridiculously large sun hat" 

His outfit although unconventional even for the season, wearing a rich purple sweater with faint flower pattern then on top came a burgundy jacket. Secondly, to boost up the safety precautions as well, to provide some extra warmth was the thick scarves and large sun hat. Rolling his eyes at the blasé comment, the man in question, Right huffs out his response, "It is necessary, Henry. Thank you very much" 

As a natural born vampire who came from a powerful lineage that spanned through the many generations, Right was awfully sensitive to sunlight. It wouldn't kill him in an instant by any means unlike what the aged rumors may say. On the contrary, it would only irritate the skin, at worst, it will cause severe blisters and gnarly scars in their wake. Right is being careful here so he couldn't begin to understand why his partner is asking him such a ridiculous question. 

"Unless you want to be the one to help me with the disastrous sunburn caused from your darn ignorance" He states. 

Henry raised a brow, his lips widening to a smug smirk, "I wouldn't mind helping rub some lotion on you, baby. Vampires from what I heard have such soft skin"

"Again, Henry. You humans can be so oblivious to the facts, aren't you? When the sun hits my skin, it burns…" He says with a long drawl, his accent becoming a lot thicker, "... It's a horrible experience. Much worse than a stake through your heart and you should know that, hm?" 

"Okay. Baby, alright. I know, I don't have too much knowledge on the inhuman. But I do try, don't I?"

"You do" 

Soon a hand was laid on his hip squeezing it slightly as it felt the smooth leather of his high waisted jeans as the other brushed the long auburn red hair left undone from his face. Henry looks down at him with passionate longing, "You do look amazing, I must admit" He sweetly compliments. 

"Thank you" Suddenly Right became shy as he helped tuck the hair over, ensuring that his pointy ears were covered by so and the hat, "You don't look too bad yourself" 

Henry usually kept it simple in clothing, all staying in the same dull brownish gray to black color scheme with a knee length, old dusty jacket that had so many pockets in them it was unbelievable. Familiarity came from the prideful grin on his face, Henry held his hand out for Right to take and the man quickly grabbed ahold with the need for soothing comfort, "You shouldn't be so worried, hun" 

"How can I not? I'm meeting your family for the first time. A family full of blood hungry monster hunters. What if they find out about me? What if this dang stupid disguise doesn't work on them" 

"I know…" Henry's expression dimmed at the mention, "... Maybe this wasn't the smartest plan I had here and that I should take this more seriously. But rest assured, you won't have to deal with them up close and this outfit should be fine"  

Right was clearly skeptical. When Henry mentioned this meet-up a while back ago with Right and his family, the vampire is left tipping over in developing anxiety on the edge. 

'It won't be too difficult on you" Henry whispers his sweet worded reassurances to him, "I told them you're the silent type. That you don't like to speak too much so they expect nothing more than a friendly smile and nod" 

A breathlessly soft scoff escapes Right's lips as he breaks into a smile where Henry traces his thumb across his lips and past at his elongated fangs. "Hm" Clamping his mouth shut after Henry pulls his hand out - though the man wouldn't mind a bite here and there - Right hums his reply. 

"You're beautiful. You know. I'm just sorry that we met in such an unfavorable way…" 

Yes, the bloody remains where he was struck with a silver coated bow and arrow still puzzling Right dearly to this day, such as why he stuck around after being freed and healed by the hunter's cautious hand. 

"... I never mean to put you in harm's way, my dear" Returning to tightly clasping his hand he silently watches Henry plant a tender kiss, "And I won't allow any more to come your way either. I'll protect you at any cost bestowed on me" 

"You're far too sweet for me and stubborn headed to boot too. You shouldn't have to do that for me" Reassuring the man with a strongly firm voice, Right's cheeks remain lit on fire and eyes glowing brightly at the idea of his love, Henry laying down his life for him. "I do love you for that"

Held in a loving embrace, the two men huddled together, Right never wanted to be separated, nuzzling deep as his huge hat held in his hand creating a cool shade for them. 

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