(Request) Ol' Tease

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Request: 29 or 30 for short scenes/drabble starters with the grumpy old men.
Down Below are the starters;

"Appreciate the view, honey?"
"Spell it out for me, baby"
"Don't play dumb, you know what I want"

(Bonus points if 30 has Quincy showing off)

Prompts from @urfriendlywriter on Tumblr

Usually Quincy isn't the one between the two to show off necessarily but when he does, he can be a right ol' tease about it. So do know it is slightly suggestive;


When Hershell entered the bedroom, really bone tired, muscles twitching in agony, and sweat sticks to his stained clothes, he hadn't expected to find his partner to be home early, waiting in their bed for him.  

"You're home early?"

"I am. Thank fuck for that. Surprisingly, it was an easy going day" Quentin shrugs, able to quickly shift in their bed so he can sit on his knees, blanket snugly wrapped around him. 

"Uh huh? What are you planning, Quincy?" 

"Oh, not much. Thought I'll be nice and give you a show" 

"A show?" Before Hersh could attempt to change out his smelly attire into something more comfortable, he swiftly turned to face the other. 

"Appreciate the view, honey?" 

Allowing the wooly blanket once draped over his frame rolls off onto the mattress, Quentin gives a breathy chuckle. In any other case, he would've been immensely uncomfortable in his own skin, littered distinctively with red stretch marks, old scars and burns but right now decorated in tattoos was all different. At this moment, when positioning himself well, in front of Hershell, he's quite pleased at the boost in confidence that was had here. 

"You've always been the one to be handsy with me" He comments smugly, sensing the man's gaze hungirly eyeing him, "I wanted to try something new out between us? How about that?" 

"Well it doesn't help it either when you look so handsome" 

Large hands chipped in grime and metal from a day's hard work were about to touch warm flesh, Quentin lightly slapped them away.

"No touching Hershy pop. It can be seen as rude to touch without permission, you know that, right? Maybe a punishment is in order?" 

Eyes once glued on him alone remained yet had immediately hardened which was to be expected. Hershell, he knew too well is never the type to stay still for too long or be played with, "You no good ol' tease, shoulda known you so don't play dumb, you know what I want" He attempts to growl however it turns to a broken whine, familiar to a sad, needy puppy soughting out affection, "Please" 

"Spell it out for me, baby" 

"Really?" Rolling his head back as Quentin kept grinning deviously, Hershell knew what precise words to say next. 

"Okay. I need you. Badly. I want to touch you. Feel you up like the treasure you are" 

"Oh, so I'm a personal item to you then? I must be worth nothing, huh?" 

"A treasure worth millions in my eyes. Alone" 

"So possessive. What's got you so heated all of a sudden?" 

On the bed in an instant Hershell is on the edge, hands craving to touch flesh of any sort, "You start it, that's why. You start stuff and you somehow expect me to behave" 

"You love me for it. How I push you. Teaches you some restraintment" Led to a corner, his back pressed flat on the headboard without an easy escape the instigator tests the limits further. Quentin can't help but laugh once again, chest rumbling. "Although, if you want I may turn a blind eye to this one time?" 

"Can't help it yourself, huh?" Tentatively the man's fingers traced across his flesh. "Needy as I am" 

Hershell planted his face in Quentin's neck under the thick, curly beard, hazy eyes shut closed, and nibbling at the skin hidden. 

"What do I say? I don't think it's fair to kick a poor man down even further?" 

"You're a pain, know that"

"Now I repeat this to you. You love me" 

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