(Request) Self Love; An Uphill Battle

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Request: wish you would write a fic where Quentin learned to love himself 🥺


Self love has never come easy for Quentin from then to even now. Back when he was a younger, more agile man he was able to pull off a confident front. Now in his forties, feeling both incompetent and undesirable, he knows in bitterly grim acceptance he's gotten old. Far from what once was in the good days, trim with lean muscle is gone, so he outright loathes putting any serious effort in his appearance unless mandatory for his job. Of course, he's far from a lazy slob since he does have some respect for himself in all seriousness, he keeps up in his looks. 

It was just that he can't find himself to care anymore what he looks like from outsiders looking in. His outfits were plain, in simple one-colors and in his aggravation clung to the wrong spots, where only his worn, drab leather jacket helps him feel better. Again, who in the entire world is willing enough to take a second glance at him, maybe gawk and then whisper miserable truths to one another. How he was a despicable mess rotten to the core from the inside out, way too traumatized to handle, with ugly habits to cope with the trouble he caused solely on his own. So stuck in a restless state of self deprecating turmoil; there's no way to change it, he acknowledged, as he didn't deserve anything good. 

"This is ridiculous. I don't know why you're doing this" Quentin snaps, already feeling his blood boil where his craving to pull out a cigarette was phenomenally high, "And I'm in no mood to be annoyed and babied by you"  

The thick, muscled arms around his rotund middle further tightened as the bear hug on him hadn't the intention to ever let him go.  

"Honey pot. There's no need to be grumpy here. I'm just checking up on you" Hershell somehow says it so light heartedly, gravel voice chipper it would've irritated him if it's someone else but with the man his heart flutters. 


Pinching the bridge of his nose, breathing deeply before his black eyes bore up at the man though the other appears to be unbothered by the harsh tactic. 

"You look nice. Always do but you don't need me saying that?" Hershell chuckles, resting his head on Quentin's shoulder when nudging them towards a certain spot. 

"Again, is any of this necessary? Cause I feel like it's not and I've got better things to be doing with my damn time" 

"Don't be such a sour puss. I'm trying to give you compliments here"

Exhaling a drawn-out deep sigh through gritted teeth Quentin lit up the cigarette between thick fingers and brought it up to his pursed mouth. He could care less if it affects his health for the worse, he's been doing that for years already so why bother to change it now. Or at the very least, stop before the air will attract a musty smell that would push anyone sensible far away. So with a shaky inhale, as lungs slowly fill up with the toxic smoke, he stares off at the distance, "In front of the mirror?" Whatever Hershell was trying to get at he didn't want a part of, "... I really don't want to hear it. So just leave me alone"  

"Not happening, grumpy. Under the direct orders from the major here you need some tender love and care and I'll be the one to give it to you" 

Soon they stood in front of the body length mirror, feeling uneasy Quentin cuts in like a blunt knife, "Under orders, huh. That's a load of bullshit" 

"C'mon now. I've seen how you've been lately…"

"Like what?" He growls in irritation. 

"Like you've been tired lately. Depressed"

A futile attempt to not show his frustrations was shown anyways as he rolled his eyes anyways where the other simply continued on. 

"And I feel like I don't tell you how much I love you. So here I'm gonna compliment you to my heart's desire and with this mirror, you'll see what I see" 

Quentin was openly grimacing at the idea given and when he was going to detest so until Hershell interrupts midway, "I don't think this is necce-"

"For one, you're extremely handsome, so strongly resilient and charismatic" Hershell commented, slyly planting a soft yet deep kiss on the neck near the shoulder and pulling back with a loud pop to entice a startled squeaky reaction.

"That's all?"

"Nope. Far from done, baby. You know me, I love spoiling my dear," A gruff grunt from Quentin pushed the man to go on, "Black eyes that remind me of the night sky I can get lost in. A voice so soothing it lures me to ease" 

"You're sounding awfully ridiculous right now. You know that?" 

Another kiss, this one had been raised up to his cheek, leaving Quentin to feel warm under the collar, "You know it's true. I love every part about you" 

Then forcing the inner strength to stare at his own reflection which Quentin was far from impressed. 

"I don't know what you're seeing. I look awful. Shitty and ugly even" 


When made to turn around thankfully away from the mirror he stared up at his partner who appeared disturbed, almost close to being upset. 

"You know that's not true" Rubbing at his sides with dry, calloused hands and going to squeeze the protruding squish, Hershell stares longingly with passion. "Is this what has been on your mind lately?" 

"... Maybe. I feel old and useless" Quentin attempted to glance somewhere else when the man ahead firmly kept him in place. 

"I'm older than you?" 

"You still got it together. That's the issue. I don't. I'm past my prime and that grates me" 

Hershell softened his expression, "We all get old and sometimes we aren't what we used to be. But that's okay. Nothing will ever stop me from loving you either" 

As Quentin was about to say something, a snarky insult perhaps, his mouth snapped shut where the words instantly left him in an instant. 

"I love you for you. That won't change as we're in this together" With a repressed sigh Quentin didn't break into a smile, still feeling uncertain though he leaned into the other man for comfort, "You know me. I'm a stubborn old man who won't quit since you're far too addictive" 

"You're insufferable… I guess that's what I like about you too" He murmured, now gaining the needed confidence and he's getting touch starved taking a glance up with slightly pursed lips. 

"Awe, I see. You can't get enough, I know it" Then bending down Hershell, grinning deviously as he went to press a kiss on Quentin's lips. "And stubborn as you are you better remember you're loved"

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