Upon The Touch Of You On My Skin (Request)

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Request: i have a request if you're not too busy, maybe a soulmate au with henry and charles? (i just keep eating that stuff up)

This Soulmate Au is where it shows where your soulmate touched you per a colorful mark blooming on your skin like a tattoo of sorts. 


"You're my soulmate?" Charles sparked a conversation, the silence reigning between the men before was tense as neither could figure out what to precisely say. "Pretty cool? I really like this sort of blue on you?" 

Touching the man's cool skin with careful precision Charles noticed the delicate lines like it was drawn in fine cursive across his hands that led up his arms. It was glowing radiantly every time the pilot went to touch, curiosity allowing his eyes to go impossibly wide as he picked up on the pretty milky blue color. 


His own color was green, now shimmering brightly like an emerald, the lines were in obvious comparison to the other's much more chunky and resided on his back similar to wings. 

"I can't even believe we're soulmates? Isn't that something? One in a millionth chance, huh to find yours in your lifetime and we did it so randomly too" 

It was a startling shock where Henry, still trying to wrap his mind around the entire idea he was bound by soul to another person for an eternity, had only replied with a nod. Silently gulping the growing terror in his throat he allowed the man to continue touching his marks, witnessing how they kept glowing brighter then his eyes can handle. As he managed to hold back the fear amongst the tears nobody would've expected him, a low life criminal, to ever find his soulmate they thought he'll always be alone. Nor did they think it was with someone like Charles Calvin, a man genuinely amazing, and the best pilot the military could have under their wing.

"Are you alright?" Charles then asked, a cheery voice crackled slightly, turning to face him with concern. 

"I. No. I'm not"

Worry hit Charles like a freight train and he pulled away, "Oh. Do. Do you think I'm not the one? Are you unhappy with me? I'm so sorry you feel that way" 

If Henry could see the man's soul marks shielded by the clothes worn he could tell they were growing dull, lifeless, spiking in unrestrained sharp vines caused from the unrestrained emotions. 

"N-no. No… It's not you. Never you. It's me" Henry instantly reassures, wrapping his arms around himself watching the man's sharpness start to soften. "I don't know why you're happy. You're stuck with me bound to me by the soul. Forever and permanent. Isn't that terrifying to you?" 

"Why would I be afraid?" 

Crossing his legs over one another that got to be uncomfortable for anyone else, Charles heaves out a long sigh seemingly understanding this wasn't entirely a happy moment, "Maybe I should as I didn't think this could happen to me. I was blissfully oblivious that it was a whiplash to have it happen so soon and on a mission, no less but I'm super happy it did, really. I'm glad it was with you than anyone else and I don't care what others have to say" 

"You are. With me?" A bit hopeful, Henry straightened his posture, his own markings soon traveling up his shoulders. 

"You may be a no good thief in people's eyes. To me you're more than that. You're my soulmate. You're someone who can change, become better, and I believe in you. I can already tell believe you're someone with a good heart" 

"Uh huh" Breathing in then out Henry felt a touch more at ease, "You're too good for me. I don't know how I have you as my soulmate. It's beyond me" 

A hand cupped his cheeks right at the time the softly shaped blue lines reached his face and for a split second he saw Charles' thick green peeking out from the jacket's collar. 

"Hm. You're equally amazing, don't forget that, okay and I would love to be able to know you better. We can take this slow if you want? I can wait. We have all the time in the world anyways" 

"Okay… Sounds good" Henry hummed, shaking his head in agreement. "I simply don't want you to regret having me now in your life" Squeezing his hand with the pilot who returned the comforting gesture. 

"I won't. I'm only grateful"

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