(Request) Body Swap

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Request: I have a comedy request if your interested. Basically something happen and certain characters has switch bodies with each other.

This one-shot was really fun to write down even though body swaps aren't my favorite trope usually. Now I decided to do this with background characters and a rather unique duo, Quentin & Rupert. I always wanted to explore their dynamic as I do have a somewhat set thing for the pair. 

Tw/Tags: Body Swap, Magical Accidents, Attempt At Humor, Mild Insulting Language, Platonic Relationships, Developing Relationship, Getting To Know One Another, Character Development, & Minor Worldbuilding 


Trying to keep his cool Quentin felt the strong urge to punch a hole in the culprit's face, "This is getting to be ridiculous. You better know a way to revert this or I swear" 

Unnatural happenings like this weren't a common occurrence, not insanely rare but it didn't occur every day so nobody would know how to deal with it. 

"It's not that bad. I can almost easily switch you guys back in no time. I swear" Henry says apologetically, stepping back, "You and him just have to wait a while, okay. Maybe a few days?" 

Upon hearing the news his eye twitching involuntarily as he loudly hisses out, voice cracking in unimaginable ways, "You got to be fucking kidding me!? I do not have the time for this?! I can't be stuck in his body for however long you three dumbassses can fix it!?"

Quentin could never begin to understand why General Galeforce thought the group, Triple Threat as people call them, was ever a good idea. The three only brought reckless danger to every place they went and now everyone, even outside of them like him along with Rupert was facing the consequences of their actions. 

"C'mon, Quentin. Take a chill pill, will you? This can't be as bad as you're putting it? Being in Rupert's body isn't exactly a lose situation?" Charles shrugged, far from keeping it hidden that he's finding this amusing. 

"Not that bad? Are you damn serious with me? I look simply ridiculous" He explained as he motioned to his current body, a top heavy, burly young man with spiky black hair and wide orange eyes. "I look like a mismanaged porcupine who got doused with a bucket's worth of hair gel. Honestly, I can go on" 

"Me too. Your body isn't a God's send either. No wonder you're so angry all the time? Being the size you are, it surely must have weighed you down for all these years?" A familiar voice, his, snapped at him, egotistical smugness making the air supervisor just squirm in his skin in growing unbridled anger. 

"Ah. Hey Rups. How's it going?" Charles then asked, doing his best to have the hot headed pair not ignite yet another fight.  

"Like shit" Rupert grunted, appearing disheveled, coated in sweat, clothes such as the jacket hanging off his shoulders, and by his contorted face, he's internally struggling with the entire ordeal, "Though being in his body, not the least surprised whatsoever it doesn't handle anything like heat well. Being the age and size you are" 

Quickly wiping his head around, grimacing openly at the other man stuck in his body, Quentin huffed irritably, "Why you no good piece of shi-"

"Quentin. Rupert. Play nice since this isn't going to help anyone. More so the two of you" He heard Charles mutter under annoyed breath. 

"Yeah. Maybe it'll help if you guys get well acquainted with one another? Since this isn't going to change any time soon" Two firm hands belonging to Ellie patted them hard on the shoulders instantly shutting the two argumentative men up, "Alright. Good to hear" 

"Hmm. I have this guy. Gadget Gabe who likely knows how to handle this. Give me some time to figure it out" 

Henry reassured them in a genuine tone then they were left alone in a room to possibly settle their clashing differences. They never got along the moment they were introduced, often tending to butt heads. Until this precise moment where they needed to get along for their sake. 

"... So… This uh... How is it like being in my body, Price…?" Sitting down in a free seat where it didn't creak under his weight, Quentin ran a hand through a new, full head of messy locks. 

"It's shit. Whatcha expect?" Rupert continued with his venomous words filled with spite ensuring the headache the older man had persisted on. 

"Great. Wonderful. Let me guess? It's Drake and Josh, right?" 

"How did you know?"

"The horrified look on your face, the antsy attitude and how the jacket is hanging off you. Besides that I know my two can be well… Handsy with me?" 

"And you're fine with that?" 

Fiddling with his fingers Quentin waved Rupert over to sit next to him, "Eh. From years dealing with them. I got used to it. They don't mean any real harm from it"

Awkwardly and to Quentin's shock, Rupert sat down opposite to him stiff as a stone statue, looking elsewhere then at him. 

"I'm more surprised they haven't noticed we switched bodies? Though they're constantly drunk, so really. Not too much anymore" 

"If they're doing this and just a nuisance to you, why don't you get the General to rid them?" 

"Don't know myself either. I. I think I've got a soft spot for them. They're good at their jobs when they're sober… And I know they're just being affectionate, that's how they communicate. Again no real harm and if I said or done something, they would've stopped" 

In understandable disbelief Rupert rolled his eyes and spoke up, "I suppose. I would've booted them out personally myself"

"You didn't, I can tell. You froze up when you were handling them… I'll speak with them on the matter" 

"Ugh. Not used to this, that's why?" Rupert grumbles as he runs a hand down his face, wiping the sweat off.

"I get it. I haven't had to deal with being a soldier again. It's decades since I've been a recruit. Well, I clearly wasn't expected to be on my feet constantly" 

"Uh huh. That's called exercise. At least you're able to handle it. Your in my body so that helps" 

"Son of a… Shut up" Quentin gripes. "We're not going anywhere" 

"Going somewhere? As they said we got all day, a couple of them exactly to better know one another?" 


Already feeling drained from his energy, tense conversation leaving Quentin to gulp as he puts up a good enough face to make it through the remaining day.

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