(Request) Touch Starved & Affectionate

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Request: Would you mind doing..I’ve forgotten how to ask requests..oh god...umm!!


Touch starved Ellie and extra cuddly Right comfort!


Hi, thank you for this so deliciously sweet and soft request. I do love it when a ship gets all soft and they get some affectionate cuddles. I'm so sorry though for the long wait for this one.

Down below is just a domestic piece so no angst and just soft love between a married couple;


Exhaustion hit Ellie at full force that left her to go limp almost, her body went soft, and eyes growing heavy. So with open arms she soon dove into her husband's awaiting arms, face nuzzling deep into the crook of his neck. Now those arms, so strong and defined in muscles, swooped her into his embrace, "Heh. You're being more cuddly than normal?" He retorts, likely raising a brow in his keen observation. 

"A little" Replying in a sleepy grumble, she pulls back in order to look up past lashes, slow fluttering, her grip tightened around his neck, "I like it. You're really warm and soft"

"Heh. No problem with me" His scruffy cheek rubs against her smoothly squishy one, his mustache tickling her. Without any fight in her left, she closes her eyes then rests her head onto his broad chest. The warmth he brought comforted her during her lowest moments, soothing in her soul  to a gentle period from that awful anxious high. "Look at you, hun. So beautiful" He plants a kiss on her forehead, practically melting her to putty within a flash, "You're absolutely gorgeous" Then another peck on her lips earned a dreamy sigh to pass by her. 

"Gosh… Baby, you're so amazing to me. Even when I feel like shit you make me feel so better…" She rambled, the words spoken near incoherently, until abruptly stopping with a wide mouthed yawn. "... I love you so much. I love everything about you" 

His hearty laughter booms throughout, as she feels the rumbling pulsating past her scrunched face, "I love you too. You're like a freshly picked rose with thorns. Pretty to look at, a beauty that can't be rivaled with both inside and out but you're a sharp and deadly to be reckoned with, my dear"

She silently chuckles at the ridiculous cheesiness, barely registering being led to their large queen bed although she didn't complain upon meeting the silky blankets and fluffy pillows. What made it so much better was when he joined in, allowing her to tangle her limbs across his own, again she returned to lay on his chest if he's the best thing in the world. Maybe she's badly starved of physical contact, she's actually whines at every attempt her partner does to squirm away. A small part in her head tells her to feel ashamed to be acting like this though she pushes the ugly off a cliff and squeezes the man. Her partner could care less it seems, he tugged her close to him and gave her thigh a reassuring squeeze.  

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