(Request) Karaoke Night

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Request: I have a fluff request. Some of the members of the government head out for karaoke. Bonus points if someone of the characters turn out to be actually very good singers

This was a really sweet prompt so thank you for the request. I always love exploring on character development especially on the background/minor one


Karaoke night. It was a night to be either fondly remembered or to be ignored in a shameful cringe. Quentin wanted to do the second about now as he watched some soldiers making their way towards the old black music box. Clearly it had seen better days in the past, covered in a nasty, flaky crusting that nobody wanted to explore further on. As the air division supervisor, Quentin did his best to ignore everything around him as he continued to drink small sips; he felt another presence beside him plopping down in a free seat. 

"Those you two, Quentin?" 

"Hm?" He tilted his head, noticing his old friend and captain, Hershell sitting down as he heard the faint music beginning to play behind him. Swirling around he saw two more familiar faces, Drake and Josh were hanging off one another picking a cheesy, overly romantic song. "... Yeah. Unfortunately" 

His round, scruffy cheeks felt like it was lit on fire when hearing the song beginning to play knowing what the meaning behind it was, what it could possibly be directed to, and he shyly looked away.  

"They aren't too bad, I must say?" Hershell commented, brows raised in genuine surprise. 

"I suppose. Though I heard better and I know you did too" 

The two would surely need practice besides that though they were able to keep a tune relatively well even when plastered off their very asses. Although Quentin wasn't sure since he was trying his best to keep an disinterested look on his face, seemingly just barely paying any attention to them even if he found himself longing to watch on.

"Yeah. Canterbury is a really good singer, y'know? A loud, booming voice like one of those opera singers or whatever you call them?" 

Nodding with a tired shrug, Quentin replied back, "Didn't he have lessons to be that way? His parents made him take classes as a kid to play instruments and sing?"

"Yup. He doesn't like talking about that or them in particular. He did enjoy the plays he used to partake in though?" Hershell didn't go far into that and rather on another example, "There's also Charles, Henry too I think? And Victoria. Konrad. So many I can list. Might be more though they may be shy?"

"Remembered clearly when Charles was a gangly, little pissant of a teen he would sing his heart out to those awful bands in his room? Wasn't that bad either. Not too deep like Canterbury nor was it high pitched or cracked as those two are up on stage right now"

"Again they aren't too bad. I see you stealing glances at them" A gruff snorting laugh came from Hershell and Quentin indignantly huffed in response. 

"Shut it. I was making sure they don't do anything stupid, that's all. They’re always the type to look for trouble. I'm the one to keep themselves from getting hurt or killed here" He answers almost immediately to redirect the conversation, stiff and distant when taking another sip of his drink. 

"They aren't, so take a chill pill. They're only singing, Quentin. You get so antsy with them" 

"Whatever. Still. I don't think I can handle another night of them getting drunk and singing their heads off?" 

"Again. They aren't bad. I see you listening. Maybe you can go up and take a turn?"

"God no. I hate being in the spotlight and making a damn fool out of myself" 

Once more Hershell was chuckling at Quentin's misery, "Didn't stop you from doing that when you were younger. You used to be just as bad. You were such a reckless recruit back in the day. Although your voice had a softer touch to it when you sang?" 

"Shut up… I wasn't that bad…" Quentin grumbles under his breath, "... I was kinda good, I guess?"

As the singing in the back kept going, Quentin wanted to slide in his chair, to hide from the world in flustered irritability but he remained just listening with mild interest as the other went on.

"Hm. Sure, uh huh. But have fun, alright? Relax. It's already going to be a long night, I'm sure on that one" 

Gritting his teeth Quentin nodded silently, accepting for the most part that he can't really do anything to change the fact he'll be hearing music constantly ringing in his ear.

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