Comfort For The Tough (Request)

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Request: Request: Hi, again! I have another Toppat storyline request. It's a hurt/comfort, maybe Right worried/sad about something and Reginald trying to calm him down, which Reginald isn't quite used to because it's usually vice-versa?

Hey, I'm so terribly sorry that your request took me so long to finish. Been dealt a bad hand of writer block and other things. Like always you or anyone else interested can send in any request - it may take me a while though.

Tw/Tags: Canon Divergence, Toppat Henry, Mentioned Henry, Mild Angst, Hurt/Comfort, & Mild Panic Attacks


Reginald's heart leaps up into his throat, a hand clasped over, left helpless he stands aside uncomfortably where his love is in the midst of a horrible panic attack. 

"It's going to be okay" He sat on his knees, gently prying the clammy hands away from the man's crumpled, scarred face, "You're safe. I won't let anyone hurt you again" 

This truly amazed him, how the man, so big and buff in size, an intimidatingly gruff force to beckon with, can curl up small it's got to be painful. 

"You don't need to say anything, dear. I'm here" Scooting closer, he was now a few inches, intending for Right to make the final decision if desired. 

"... I-I'm so sorry…" The redhead manages to croak, a teary eye looks up as the other glowing red stares lifelessly ahead at no one in particular. 

"Whatever are you sorry for? There's no reason why you should?" 

Unraveling his tangled up limbs, the man straightens his posture, quickly attempting to wipe the tears that stained his face, "I… Didn't do my job properly. I-I promised to protect you but I didn't… I got hurt. Badly. I was helpless to do anything… Y-you. You were in danger an-"

"You did all that you could. That's all I could ever ask from you" Reginald cups his partner's damp cheek, thumb able to dry the tears, "Nobody would've thought that. He… Would have a chainsaw on his person and that he'll use it on you. We did what ought to be done so the past is best forgotten"  

When Reginald came down from that high himself, dealt with the danger of having a total stranger break into their airship, likely to steal information or for worse. The latter had not been true, far from so as he was choked by his own gold necklace hanging off the ship's edge, a military plane a bit off. A million things had gone through his mind at the time, the state of his clan if he was arrested, and whether his devoted deputy was alive. Gosh, he's stricken with terror, yet he didn't intend to express such weakness to the intruder who brought him to such a dire situation, he's much tougher then what people often perceive him. Even when giving the reign over to the stranger, Reginald knew to always think ahead just in case and he had no qualms in taking what's rightfully his back.  

However, such plans came to a halt when he heard the horrid news, his beloved is left in a worse condition nobody expected him to come unscathed. The angry bruise across his neck faded by now is nothing compared to his partner's horrid state, left for dead, injured permanently never to be the same again. 

"I thought that I got a good handle on the dang kid. I've done this before on my own and won… Then w-why is this one so dang different... It seems like he got this unnatural luck on his bloody side and it infuriates me. Like he knew what was gonna happen next" 

Soon seething anger replaces the bubbling panicking anxiety, voice crackling in pitch as Right’s freckled, tanned face scrunches up, turning to a bright, flushed hue. His good hand balls up into a tight fist, the other lays limp on his lap. 

Shaking his head, Reginald sighs, "I know, darling, I know it hurts. You may not feel all too confident but please, don't you worry" 

"I d-don't…" Taking in a deep, shallow breath then exhaling through his flared nostrils, Right felt a smidgen better, not completely whole, "... I-I'm still confused… Wha… Why did you allow him in here? To our clan, your pride and joy when he was sent here to dismantle us. Why did you let him be our new leader… After everything he put us. Me through…" 

When Right continued to hesitantly inch forward, he kept a distance like it wouldn't be his best choice. The bigger man is a shaky mess, wearily eyeing him, cautious, similar to a scared caged animal. Hurt is made evident in his wounded, half robotic expression and what got to Reginald the most is the fear.   

"It… It wasn't my best idea, okay so I'll be truthful with you there. I was terribly scared and for a split second without a thought, I blurted it out" Reginald mumbles out his admission, stiffly shrugging, instinctively holding his partner's hand, squeezing it in silent comfort. "That he won, I gave him the title. I didn't desire for any of this to happen, you know"

"That's outta be the stupidest idea you got yet, Reg" 

"I know, really, I know. I do have a backup plan in case something goes askew. I have a sneaking suspicion it will" 

One day soon enough that grimy, no good thief will trip on his own feet to which when that finally happened Reginald would be there to return the crown rightfully back on his head. It has to be at any moment that the careless scoundrel will fall apart as the man doesn't stand a chance in the clan against his superior years as leader.  

"Most important is that you're safe. Alive. With me. So we can worry about this later"

Right raised a brow, skeptically, now sat beside Reginald, lying his head on the man's shoulder, "You better. I… Can't stand him... He scares me…" Breathing remains haggard, hand clammy when it grips Reginald's for the comfort.

"I know, dear. I'm sorry" 

In his head Reginald, determined, sets a plan to remove the dangerous threat with whatever it takes, despite the possible serious consequences. 

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