Storms (Request)

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Request: A bad storm is about to hit the government base and characters are prepping in case it gets pretty bad(like power outage etc) friendly or romantic depending on who the focus characters

I decided to do background characters, Liam Rogers & Konrad Bukowski here since I love focusing and putting love onto unseen characters. As well, I may have slightly steered away from the idea, more focusing on during the storm then preparing for it. 


"Never woulda thought a storm could get so bad around here?" Liam hopped out from his favorite and biggest aircraft the military had with a thud, his feet burying into the dusty ground below. "Sorry we had to cut that flight short. General's orders. I imagined we would've had more time but mother nature doesn't wait for anybody" 

"It's fine" Konrad reassures the pilot when exiting after him though he sat down on the edge and pushed himself off. 

"Hm. Cool... Those dark clouds came outta nowhere? Then it really hit, did it? Thought we would have more time but whatever" 

"We should probably head back to base. I heard it's only going to get worse from here" 


Turning around halfway to face Konrad, the helmeted pilot simply nodded, shoving his hands into jacket pockets. Facing away they made a slow beeline towards their base where the younger followed by his side. In retrospect maybe they should've been a bit quicker to head back however Konrad wanted to still spend some time with him despite the upcoming bad storm proving to be a deterrent. Maybe one can call it awestruck what he was for the older man as a fresh faced soldier who wasn't here longer than a year yet. So he stayed close, practically glued onto the pilot's hip, he took short, curious glances up at the darkening sky.  

A couple times Konrad thought he saw lightning strike the Earth in the midst of heavy, never-ending rain as they flew in the sky. Then came the obvious signs when literal light flashing before his eyes occuring too close to the plane when it hit the dirt ground leaving sear marks. He was startled shitless he could still smell the lingering smell of musky smoke clouging his nose after the abrupt strike happening over half an hour ago.  

"How's your brother doing? Haven't seen him in a good while?" 

Huffing at the topic change Konrad didn't want to have and it was a buzzkill when his twin brother was brought up, "Doing fine, I guess? He's been constanly goofing off. Not taking this serious. That we're here in the military. When we first started as newbies we almost got kicked out" 

"Eh… He is a bit much… I've been hearing around here that he's been flirting with Charles? The other pilot beside me if you didn't know" Liam replied, sympathy laced in as he looked out ahead. 

"I know who Charles is. One of a kind up and coming pilot or whatever…. And what my brother is doing should never be called flirting. He's pulling a stupid joke cause his name is Calvin and Charles' last name is Calvin" 

Once they returned to base, already it begun to rain, the two men didn't separate like what was expected, and instead of going to his own Konrad entered Liam's place to stay low during the remaining storm. Inside Inside realized the power was already snuffed out so they were met in pitch darkness. They've like everyone been told prior to thoroughly prepare for the inevitable power outage and they couldn't do anything about it. Simply put they had to wait it out until the storm settles. 

"Wow dude. Seems you are dealing with a lot on your plate there, huh? Sorry. Try not to worry too much, okay? Keep it with the flow, that's what I do" Spoken calmly in a scratchy voice, Liam naturally a chill guy to be around, and Konrad was truly amazed by it alone. 

"Don't worry. I. I may be overthinking things. Been stressed recently. I didn't mean to dump it on you. You just wanted to show me how your plane works and some tricks. Or whatever" 

"No worries, my dude" Liam reassures him, chuckling boisterously as he sat on his cot, "The hail like rain going out there is dumping a whole lot more then what you did" 


"Don't. I get it. When I first got here a few years back in your standing, I was in the same boat as you. I was an anxious kid who didn't like being in large crowds or having people rely on me. You get over it in no time so no rush" 

Reassuringly patting on Konrad's shoulder, the two soon sat in peaceful silence just talking, and listening to the lashing storm outside. 

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