(Request) Save Me, Will You?

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Request: Ihave a request.

How about a story about Dave after becoming a toppat is soon forced to fight his former friend Rupert, which will most likely end with one of them dying. He's hesitant to do this, and the feelings are mutual. I'm okay with a happy, bittersweet, or sad ending for this one.

Tw/Tags: Heavy Angst, Betrayal, Hurt/Little To No Comfort, Whump, Major Character Death, & Bitterly Sad Ending. 

This one-shot was both a lot of fun to do and a struggle at the same time. But again I had fun nonetheless and I'm always welcomed to take in requests 


With a weakened attempt to throw a punch at his attacker, Dave would find himself thrown to the ground just seconds later with a bone cluttering thump. 

"You don't have to do this. Please, I can save you" The man, Rupert, his old friend turned mortal enemy, pleads with him. 

"S-s… Save me from what?" Dave coughs in his hand. Cautiously, not bothering to get up yet. "I don't need saving" 

"Yes. You do. Please. Look at what they did to you" 

Of course, he did look different from the time his friend last saw him years ago but that can hardly be a bad thing here. In actuality, it was a good thing. He never felt more alive and for once, in his miserable life didn't express guilt over it. 

"I know what they did to me" Dave replies, as he regains the confidence in his words when he eyes the other man. "And for your record, I'm fine with it, happy as a clam actually. I agreed to join them" 

The hurt on Rupert's face would've made his will crumble apart however Dave stayed firm and adamant, continuing on, "How can I not when I was left behind. Forgotten about and told I was useless when I was there"  

Whatever snapped in Rupert got the soldier to focus directly on him, seething anger and pride getting the better of him. 

Like always the man doesn't know when to quit without fail, Dave silently mused. 

"I never forgot about you! I-I kept on fighting for you when no one else would!" Rupert argued. 

"You say that now. But where was that fight? The fire in your stomach back then? When I was being pushed around constantly on the force and where were you when I got fired? Then at that lousy job at the museum. You never bothered to contact me" 

As Dave picks himself up from the floor, he is finally able to speak his mind, it's clear, blunt, and it does the great trick, cutting through the unashamed bullshit. Despite the sharp turn in events, not the type to scold, or get ahead of himself, once more he finds enjoyment in the power given. If in his old friend's eyes he is a husk to who he once was that was quite fine by him. While he dusted off the musky grime got a better look at the man, furthermore he saw the regretful anguish. 

"... I tried…" 

"But it wasn't enough" Dave persists, taking a step forward, an urge he never experienced taking the lead. Smoothing out his fine, dark gray suit, afterwards he waves his hands in indignation. "You should've tried years ago. When I needed you the most. I cared about you yet you never said or did the same for me. Why should I hold onto that hope like you claim?" 

"Well, what do you think I'm trying to do now, then?!" Rupert hissed in reply, argumentative in the face of danger. "I tried, I really did and still do. That's why I'm here. To find you and now that I did. I'm taking you with me. They must've brainwashed you or something! I'm here to help" 

"They didn't do such a thing and I don't need your help. You can't and will not act out on a holier-than-thou savior complex either" 

Dave Panpa needed no saving by anyone; he was a grown man, truth be told, capable in making his own decisions, who somehow had the power all along to pave a road for him alone. He's more than happy with the Toppats, a place that he finally belongs in and brings comfort. Nothing was going to change that in the slightest.

Not even his best friend. The man is as stubborn as the first day they met. 

"... If you won't let me help you and you're going to be like this… Then I'll just have to arrest you…" 

Raised a brow in skepticism Dave shook his head until hand firmly stopped him, grabbing at his arm. "Go ahead, I want you to know it won't end well" Slowly he turned to face the other, a vague threatening suggestion slips out his thin lips. "Even if you had the guts to arrest me anyways" He won't back down nor does he think Rupert would neither. So he's quick to land a fist squarely at the soldier's jaw, causing the man to stumble backwards, nearly onto his ass. A rough hand clasped on a scruffy face, literal agony washes over the shorter man and had looked over in shock.

"Y-you... You!" 

Dave hadn't gone too far.

Soon they were fighting again, but this turned physical with no restraint. Unlike his past self, he now had plenty of experience. He won't let it slide, able to land a couple punches along in some kicks thrown in the mix. Until he got the upperhand where Rupert harshly landed on his back. The soldier's weapon is swept a few feet away from reach whereas his is tight in hand. 

Surprisingly, his hand began to shake, in a sudden unwilling to move and pull the fated trigger when aimed at the man. 

"You. Y-you won't shoot me, would you?" 

In his hot shame, a part in his heart couldn’t and longed to be what they once were that Dave acknowledges is long gone, "Yes. If it means getting to be free" 

"You can't. Like you said, I know you better then anyone" Rupert didn't move an inch, he instead deciding to stay put, using his arms to push up. Stern eyes glares into his soul, pratically begs for a second chance, it was yet another weak attempt to help, "Please... Let me help yo-"


Until his shame, as well, as other emotions like guilt dissipates. He witnessed the dusty ash stains his clammy hand holding the gun, rests at his side. Dave breaths in deep then exhales, his clean hand dutifully wipes away the beads of disgusting sweat. In his caution and curiosity, he stares at the blood pooling around the fallen man's head. 

He shouldn't feel remorse. Rather he cracked a broken smile, hand covered up his stricken face, and fresh tears drips. He already saved himself, didn't he? So why doesn't he feel good? 

'I should feel happy, shouldn't I?'

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