(Request) Date Night

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Request: Okay, so, Henry and Charles are on a date and Henry entrusts Ellie Rose on keeping an eye on them in case something terrible happens, Charles is unaware of it. Cue Ellie fighting off some escaped Toppat members as Henry tries to keep the date normal.  (came after Triple Threat, and had the date in some fancy Italian restaurant or something.)

May not be my best work but I'm glad it turned out alright.


May not be my best work but I'm glad it turned out alright. 

As they enter the restaurant, able to keep it down to silent chuckles, Henry feels relieved the place wasn't too packed up. Usually they would be on a waiting list for weeks, months to land a spot where some when on a tight budget could barely afford it. 

"Wow, Hen. Gosh, this place is fancy" He hears Charles whisper in total awe. 

"Only the best for you" 

But Henry can find a way around it. He was clever, stealthy with his money. So for such an extravagantly alluring place, he takes in all the details. The building is tall, built to be on the simple side with a connected outdoor area where the sunshine could hit you just right. Inside the walls were a pale sky blue color with thin, golden trails tipped by small tear drops. It was if they’re floating on soft fluffy clouds as they walked on pearly tiled floors to their table. 

Now it was comforting to know it wasn't busy like it usually is since he's not the type to enjoy crowds.

"You didn't have to" 

When Henry pulled the chair out for him, the other man hesitantly sat down and allowed to be pushed in afterwards. "Char. You deserve nice things and I wanted to spoil you with a date" He replied, sitting opposite to him. 

"Yeah… I guess so" Charles answers, still very awkward, pressing his hands down to smooth his black dress pants, "We have been busy recently with work" 

Tapping his long fingers on the clothed table Henry chuckles tiredly, "It has been. With the Toppats done for. There's a new opening for others to take their place and whatnot" 

"That does worry me," Charles admits. "But I don't want to talk about work right now" 

"Cool with me. This is about us anyways, not them" 


Ellie was going to kill Henry for making her do this. For a night off, at eight o'clock, this wasn't how she expected to go. Instead she's currently playing as their bodyguard for any stray Toppat escapee that may be out for their blood. 

"It'll be fine" he says, "nothing will go wrong, I swear' he tells me" Holding a random man in a crushing choke hold within reason, "You're strong, Ells. I just don't want this date to be ruined" 

An hour and a half into her friend's date came the said trouble. Seemingly a lone rogue who managed to escape justice. 

"Unbelievable" She hisses, as she knees the stranger in the chest. "And you're not helping matters either, you know that?" Dropping the said criminal on the stone ground, thankful the fight was in an alley then in the public eye. 

Droplets of blood drips from her bruised knuckles, her sharp, eagle eyes kept a lookout and a boot on the other's back. 

"... W-well. I'm so, s-so sorry…" Then she returns her gaze at the fallen, glaring angrily at them, "... That I interrupted your f-frea-!" 

Ellie stilled, gritting her teeth enough to hurt, hearing footsteps behind her. Whoever it is, she muses, already failed to stay quiet and sneak an attack when she felt a tense aura near her. Then time slowed down, she was able to grab at their arm in one go, tug them forward, flip them over and have the second instigator connect with the first.  

Tonight, she can tell, dreadfully, it was going to be a long night. Muscles both strained and sore. Sticky sweat poured out her temple as a headache began to pound in her head.


After their dinner, feeling satisfied and nearly giddy it went over well, reaching the door to exit is the moment Charles curiously pipes up.  

"What's that noise?" He tilted his head in bewilderment, turning to face the source of the sound, "Do you hear that, Henry?" 

"Hear what?" 

"I don't know how to explain it? Multiple voices going on, an argument, a scuffle, something?" 

With a shallow, dry gulp and a nonchalantly shrug, Henry pretended he didn't hear the noise. This date can't be ruined, it's been going well so far. 

"I can't hear anything here and we are at a busy part of the city anyways" 

Turning back around, tense as Charles was did try his best to relax, "I guess you're right" And he only did when a pleased smile grew, "Thank you for this. It's been fun. I've never been out and treated well like this for a long time, I feel safe… You make me feel special, Hen"  

"I only want what's best for you" Then they interlocked their hands together, he gently squeezing it. "I love you" 

"Love you too" 

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