(Request) Floral Shirt

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Request: “I personally like it, but you do look silly like this.” Would work with with grumpy old men I think?

From the post; https://www.tumblr.com/thesoulesscollection/717043680953925632?source=share

Since everything that's currently going on where I'm both stressed and depressed. I've decided to write about my grumpy old men from a request I've got a while ago to help me.

Down Below is tame, mostly goofy besides some Implied body image issues and self esteem Issues.


Quentin wouldn't say he was up with recent fashion trends but he knew what was alright or what was truly ugly and to never be worn out in public.

"Hershell. As much as I do love you. This got to be the worst thing I've seen you pick out so far?"

So as he pulled out the said article of clothing in question from the rack where he can't help it to cringe. Very little was going for it to begin with but the single positive thing was it came in his size for once, cause in today's society they don't bother to glance your way. 

Quentin knew that very well. In the fashion industry nobody created for someone like him. For him to finally feel good or at the least be comfortable in his skin. 

"But you would look so good in it" However when he turned around to see Hershell, he gritted his teeth, realizing the other man was unaware of the obvious, "Please. For me?" 

Call him bitter to the extreme. He didn't really trust them. They often deliberately made their clothes too unseemly on his body, somehow set in making it his fault. So he's fine, dandy even in wearing what he has now.

"I know shopping isn't your favorite. It's not at all easy, I know that for sure myself but I think you deserve to look amazing. More than you do already" As if reading his mind, Hershell does lay off a little though keeps the shirt in hand. "It's up to you"  

Stiff, unsure on what to respond, Quentin is looking back at the shirt then up at the man, before inevitably tugging it from his grasp. 

"Oh. Give it to me. I'll try it out and show you it's horrendous" 

A low albeit surprised chuckle escapes from his partner. So used to his antics. "Uh huh. Go ahead. Be waiting here to see the final results" 

Midway in the sentence the dressing room door shuts closed behind Quentin who is sweating in the nerves alone. 

Why should he be so scared over such an item? 

It was a black Hawaiian button up shirt with small pineapples in the colors of neon pink, yellow and green. Once he slid it onto tense shoulders, he couldn't ignore the gut feeling within. Anxiously clawing at the fabric near his stomach, he should have chosen what was in his comfort zone but he didn’t as a thick headed, stubborn asshole. 

Finally Quentin shuffled out the dressing room, nearly five to seven minutes later swallowing his pride. 

Hershell is sitting in a spare seat, leant back, eyes up at the ceiling waiting for his return. 

"Here I am. Happy now" Quentin mumbles. 

Almost immediately Hershell's eyes snap to his then onto the shirt, "I personally like it, but you do look silly like this"

"Great. Just wonderful. I told you this is bullshit"

"I never said it's bad, Quincy. Nothing wrong in looking 'silly' rather you look cute. It suits you" Hersh cooes. His hands hovering over Quentin's sides. So tempted to give a gentle squeeze. "I must say this is my best choice. Floral, Hawaiian shirts do you well" 

"Despite it being ugly. Sure. It does" Quentin sarcastically remarks, rolling his eyes at the comment. 

"I gotta say you can rock anything if you put your mind in it" Chuckling, Hershell had bent down so he could plant a kiss on Quentin's lips. "You love it, don't you? Wear whatever to your heart's content, you big baby" 

Mildly confident Quentin did manage to pipe his opinion, equally as jokeful, "It's… Okay. I guess. Next time I'm going to pick out for you and you're not going to complain, got it? No matter what I pick" 

He will make sure to pick the most atrocious eye sore he can possibly find in this side of the country even if it kills him. "And we can wear it together on a date then. We can so be like those mushy couples who match outfits" 

"Don't even. So gross I can feel myself getting sick hearing such an idea" 

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