(Reguest) Smooches

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Request: I wish you would write a fic where Henry calls Right pretty boy and Right has a sexual awakening XD


I wish you would write a fic Right doing those push-up kisses with Ellie <3

Don’t feel pressured to do it pls and if you do write it thank you do much :)

Sorry for the late reply. So backlogged with requests which I procrastinated on that it's not even funny. But again I hope this was worth the wait and I tried to keep these two short but eh, you'll know me. Like always, no one should be hesitant to send in anything 

Here I decided to do both since I enjoy both ships equally. 

"Who's my pretty boy?" For the first time in his already colorful life, Right experienced what he'd never felt before. " I like what I see" 

An unexpected awakening bloomed in his chest, his heart thumping heavy as he sat at his desk, previously doing his assigned work. 

"Wha. What?" He says agasp, face near flush when halting in his prior actions. 

"Why are you acting so surprised?" Henry pipes up, voice naturally deep it sends a shiver down the redhead's spine. "Never heard someone compliment you before?"

Right dryly gulps then glares at the smug man whose easygoing confidence oozing out makes him sick to his stomach. The feeling confused him, he couldn't detect whether it's meant to be good or not.

"What's your deal?"

"My deal? I'm just trying to tell you how handsome you are?" Henry cocks his head, curiously leaning forward. 

"Those sweet words you speak… What does it mean?" He grits. "It should mean nothing. Less when it's coming from you" 

"But it does and that bothers you, doesn't it? Why, I can see you enjoy being called pretty?" 

"I do not. It's a ridiculous pet name. Out of everything you call me that" 

"It fits you. You are my pretty boy, after all. I can get lost in your beauty?" 

"Only my looks?" 

With a chuckle, Henry, relaxed, shrugging his shoulders, continues to irk Right, "I will admit that your strength and intelligence is a turn on too. You're an amazing person I'm lucky to be with"  

A turn on, Right clenches his teeth again, that's what he's undergoing himself when hearing those fateful words. 

"It's only us. Now do you like being called that or not?" Henry whispered in his ear.

"... I do. It's nice…" 

"Good boy" Then leaning in, Henry plants a kiss on Right's lips. 


Ellie giggles, squirming relentlessly on the floor where Right hovers from above her having done the first push-up. She was enjoying the sensation of his lips against hers and the saliva trail. 

"Two" He replies in her place, she is too breathless to speak after breaking their kiss. "Ellie… Don't you think this is a little over the top?" 

"No, not at all. You did mention to me you needed the motivation for exercising. So why not this?" Ellie jokingly reassures him, making kisses sounds with her reddening lips. 

"It is working" 

Then he descends on her, the hairs of his mustache tickling the woman underneath him, as she eases up. 

"Three" Replied Right, staying put, resting on his forearms, and nuzzling his face into hers, lips still stained wet. 

"You're ssso. Goofy" Ellie presses another smooch on his cheek, "Four" 

"That doesn't count" 

'O-oh, it doesn't matter. I'm feeling up for more anyways" And she was, her hands cupping at his rear, only laughing when he squeaks in surprise. 

"And you're shameless, Els" Right muffled a whimper, placing some of his weight on the woman for a second then rolling off to her side. "You've got a dirty mind" 

"You love me for it" 

Exhausted to the bone, Right exhaled deeply through his nose, arms resting across his chest, "I do" 

"Hun. Look at me" 

As he did, eyes fluttering open, Right then noticed the reversal with Ellie sitting on top of him, her hands on his chest to keep him from moving.

"Five" She purred, taking in the tantalizing pleasure, kissing him for a fraction longer than what either had done before, fingers tangling into his hair. She hadn't hesitated when she deepened it, clamping around him, not willing to let go until she was sure she had enough. Nor was he intending to break apart the heated kiss, lifting himself up from laying down to help. Then they went to separate, gasping a bit, her sat cozily on his lap and Right, peacefully content in having the wall behind for support. 

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