(Request) Made A Choice

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Request: Hello! Hope you’re doing well.

If it sounds good, how about #22 (“you made your choice”) from the Whumptober prompts, please? Thank you either way!

Panprice with Toppat Dave x Government Rupert

Whump Prompt list is made by Whumptember


22nd - “You made your choice.”

   lost love | double crossed | turning their back

Tw/Tags: Heavy Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Whump, Friends/Lovers To Enemies, Ambiguous Relationships, & Unhappy Ending 


Throughout his life, depressing as it was filled with continuous bad luck Dave made plenty of choices both good and bad so this shouldn't be any different. 

"You made your choice" 

Now he stood there rigid in his new attire, a plain, dark gray suit and top hat with the shiny brand new Toppat insignia pinned on to his coat jacket where he kept a blank face, "I did" 

"Do you regret it? At all" 

"No" Inwardly to his relief his voice stayed clear, emotionless in the face of possible danger as he stood his ground a good distance away, "I don't, Rupert" 

Then unsurprisingly enough there came the immense hurt that swept over the gruff military agent, his stern expression broken by the seams and a smidgen of remorseful guilt kept Dave from comforting the shorter man. 

"Not anymore at least. I would've gone mad if I kept waiting for someone to come rescue me from that hell… So I did it on my own. I needed to prove to myself I was in fact very capable of handling it without having somebody else doing it for me. In fact, I can protect myself quite well I don't need anyone even you"  

"I. I would've kept you safe. I was so close… I didn't know where you were. Nobody did…" Rupert mumbled, quickly rubbing at his arms, "... You were everything to me. I. I lov-" 

"I'm going to stop you right there. I know how you feel about me. I felt the same way at one point. We were close, yes. Once as best friends perhaps we could've been more at one point. Yet we aren't anything anymore. We grew apart over the years even before this and now we're on two different sides here…"  

"Yo-We. I can change. I can be  better. You can finally come back to us. To me. I'll find a way to make that happen, Dave, please" Pleading in desperation the Government officer stepped closer, his weapon having been thrown to the sidelines moments ago whereas Dave in utter shock attempted to conceal the physical recoil. 

"No. I told you. I've made my choice. As illegal as it is to you" Dave spoke, mild grief seeping in when holding his palm flat on Rupert's chest, "You. You need to accept that" 

"This is wrong, y'know that? You can't expect me to just forget you. To never stop caring about you"

"I know…" Dave shrugged limply since he didn't have much to say, "... I do wish you well" 

Both knew he wasn't the man he once was and it took them a while to get used to the bitter taste. Dave hesitantly turned his back on the man, where in a rush to leave he kicked dust into the air leaving nothing more than a muddy cloud in his wake. In turn, Rupert hadn't bothered to make an attempt to arrest him per the job's order; he only picked up his discarded weapon on the floor. Painful disbelief simply kept the officer glued to his spot. The one thing that made him move was the static noise of his walkie-talkie breaking the saddened silence overwhelming him. Soon making his move, he trudged his booted feet on the stone floor behind him taking a swift exit, pushing the pain from his mind as he planned to not tell a soul over this encounter.  

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