Swing Your Partner 'Round and Trade (Part One)

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-Pretty heavily inspired by PG Wodehouse, one of my (if not my) favorite comedy novelist.-

It was barely dawn—that is, eight in the morning–- when Dick awoke, and upon realizing it was a Saturday, he consumed half a bag of chips on the nightstand and went back to sleep.

He didn't get to finish his forty winks though, as not five minutes later his cellphone erupted in song like a black bird-- if blackbirds were the ones he was thinking about. Who on earth was awake at eight on a Saturday?

"Hullo?" He said, not a little sternly.

"Robin? meet me now."

Dick was not soothed by Artemis' gall. "What are you calling for calling at this time."

"It's only eight."

"Past the mark, for us nocturnals!"

"Oh, is it?" She asked. "Oh well, meet me at the corner store now!"

By the time Dick had dressed and dragged himself to the opposite side of the city, the archer was pacing in circles like she had a train to catch.

"What's all this about, then?" He ordered, not disguising his icy tone.

"Robin, we're dating."

"Oh. Alrighty." He said, though you could knock him down with a rubber band. "Come again?"

"Well, we're not really dating, we just have to pretend for the uncle"

"Come now, Arty--" The bird staggered, an ill look stealing over. "I mean to say, really! I mean!"

"Robin, I'm still on thin ice because Roy's dangling that footage from the party over me like an axe! I can't afford to let him get more over me, and he's suspicious of my disinterest in men already!"

Dick recalled the crisis quite clearly; Artemis, assuming mutually assured rule breakage, had thrown a small party while their guardian off world. Roy, however, had decided to break his streak by obeying the rules for one night only, and used her delinquency to practically enslave her through blackmail.

"That may be, but my guardian has made it clear in no uncertain terms, that if I even lock hands with another gender, I'm set for an indefinite grounding-- with iron bars!"

"Robin!" She said in a haughty, injured tone. "I'm in love."

"With whom?"


"Ah. Good Girl, Zatanna! Cream of the crop, I must say!" He offered a celebratory smack on the shoulder. "But I really can't risk having my neck snapped in my own hours."

"Your guardian doesn't have to know!" She pleaded. "We'll let Ollie walk in on us being all lovey dovey, and then we can whip out the fake tears and beg that he doesn't tear us apart by telling your mentor."

"What do you mean, we?"

"Please, Robin?"

And just like that, it was done. Dick was many things, but able to stand his ground he was not. If he hadn't been escorted by his best friend, and two older teens of superhuman strength, the team would not have been formed. Well, if he hadn't been escorted by his best friend and two older teens of superhuman strength, it would have been less of a team and more of a solo act, but the point stands; he was weak as water on the social front.

Artemis seemed to pity him, and politely changed the topic to school and the wrongdoings of their theatre department as they took towards the nearest zetabeam.

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