Separated (Part 9)

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-Sorry I'm not great at writing fight scenes-

-Also we FINALLY get a description of what the Team's homemade costumes look like-

"I found another." Kaldur said over their beef jerky dinner.

"Another mission?" Wally asked. "Already?"

"It's Gotham, the city is constantly in crisis." Artemis replied.

"It was just posted, a hiring call for backup." Kaldur explained. "They're planning to burn down one of the foodbanks downtown, apparently for insurance reasons."

"What time?" M'gann  asked.

"Tonight, around eleven PM."

"Great." Dick said. "We'll be there."

Bruce paced the watchtower impatiently, torn between wishing he'd given himself more time, and impatience that he had to wait for tonight. They were going to get those kids-- Diana, Clark and himself-- and they were going to put a stop to their attempted heroics.

He'd already contacted GCPD to stay out of the way.

"Are you sure about this?" Clark asked. "Three against six isn't great odds-- especially since they have that Cadmus project."

"They're children, they lack both the size and experience to put up a fight."

"Yet they've eluded you three times now." Diana remarked. "We can't risk underestimating them. Remember they have at least a metahuman, a clone and an Atlantean."

"I haven't forgotten." Batman replied, frowning down at his hands. 

The team caught a bus downtown that night, masquerading as any other group of teens celebrating a Friday night in the summer. They would arrive an hour early and stake out the area and take out any arsonists who came around.

The street of the foodbank was also rife with sidewalk encampments. That was another reason they needed to prevent that fire. They couldn't just force everyone there to pack up and leave for the night.

The golden trio crouched in the rafters, an hour before the teens were set to arrive. The only sound the distant clicking of a clock, echoing throughout the small warehouse which made up the Downtown Gotham Foodbank.

"There's someone out there." Clark muttered suddenly, staring at the far wall of the warehouse.

"There's someone in there." Conner muttered suddenly, staring at the closest wall of the warehouse.


"There's someone inside there." He gestured to the corrugated metal loading bay door. "I heard them."

"The goon call time was for eleven!" Robin replied. 

"Well someone's in there, it has to be them!"

Kaldur took a hesitant breath. "Change of plan."

"Do we raid?"

"We raid."

"What do you here?" Batman ordered. "Superman?"

There was a rattling crash as the loading bay door raised. They'd been sure to leave it unlocked for the children. After all, what's the point of a trap if the victim can't get in.

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