Separated (Part 12)

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"It is fascinating," J'onn remarked, reading the screen, "gene suppressors, specifically human gene suppressors." 

"Seems like one of our aliens isn't as alien as they claim." Batman murmured. "Is there a chance it's Atlantean?"

"We'll have to run further tests." J'onn replied. "Which child asked for the suppressors?"

"One of the humans, the archer, asking on another's behalf no doubt." Batman thought it over. "We'll have to triage them anyways for health concerns, we can run a few tests while they're being examined.

"We need to run some tests." Wally's uncle explained, wheeling in a cart just as the teens were finishing a mid-afternoon snack of dry cereal. "I'll be fast, don't worry."

Wally rolled his eyes at the joke.

"Tests?" Conner asked, eyeing the man sharply. "What tests?"

"It's alright," Flash reassured, "Bats is just screening you guys for medical reasons. I'll run your blood and then we'll have someone check the humans over for any injuries you might have." 

"What about us?" M'gann asked.

"You guys are going to be asked some questions." Flash replied. "We just want to get your stories straight while we figure this out."

"Breath in." The pediatrician ordered. Dick breathed in. "Out." Dick breathed out. "Age?"


"Step on the scale please." Dick did. "89lbs..." The pediatrician murmured. "Against the height chart."

Dick stepped against the height chart. "are you going to tell the league all of this?"

"If it's relevant, than yes, but for now we're just making sure you aren't seriously ill or infected." He jotted something down, whispering: "5'0..."

"Do you know what they're going to do to us?"

"I don't get told that." The MD replied. He smiled a little. "But I wouldn't worry. They're the Justice League after all."

"Kaldur'ahm?" The man addressed, looking him up and down; the boy was boney, underweight, his teal eyes were wide and frightened, though he was clearly trying to hide it.

"Sir..." Kaldur wasn't sure if he should salute of beg for his life. The punishment for draft dodging and military desertion was not something he thought he could survive, not to mention the shame it would bring onto his mother and father. He thought about his mother, so far away in the ocean, not knowing if he was even alive.

"We're working on contacting your parents." His king sat, watching him closely. "In the meantime, we have some questions."

"Yes sir." Kaldur conceded quietly. He didn't want to get in more trouble than he was already in.

"Good, tell me where you're from."

"I was born in Shayeris until I was moved to the capital for sorcery education..." The boy stared at the table. "before I was enlisted..."

"At which point you escaped the boarders and fled to land." His king finished. "That must have been quite a drastic pressure change."

"Yes sir."

"And you're full-blooded Atlantean?"

"Nationally I am Atlantean," Kaldur corrected shyly, "my mother was native to Atlantis," He explained, "my father used to work for Black Manta... He was a genetically modified human."

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