Alien Wranglers Robo-dad and mama-bird

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Red Tornado could not explain why he liked the team so much; not just as a concept, he liked the individuals on the team. There was something so fascinating about working with adolescents that he'd never regarded in fully developed Adults. The teenagers were creative and clever, but also naive and reckless, both carefree and in need of constant comfort.

They made no logical sense and they should be impossible, yet here they were, six of them, and they made themselves very present.

"Red!!" M'gann skipped after the android. "I need help with math again, I don't understand anything, we don't do this kind of math on Mars... they use different words"

"What topic do you need my assistance with?" Red Tornado asked; M'gann needed a lot of help in school, most things that normal adolescents were taught since young childhood were things she had no knowledge of; mathematics, scientific discoveries, critical thinking, grammar, and literature are just some of the topics that overwhelmed her.

M'gann whipped out a leaf of papers. "Surface Area and Volume." She lead the way to the kitchen table. "I'm supposed to find the area of an equi— eq— equila—"

"I believe the word you are trying to read is Equilateral."

"Thank you." She said. "It says: Find the surface area of an e-quil-at-er-al triangle with a side length of 8cm."

Red tornado knew the answer immediately. "The triangle has a net surface area of—"

"Don't say it!" M'gann covered their ears. "I need to figure it out, Don't tell me, just... help me remember the formulas..."

Red Tornado could never quite figure out teenagers. They seemed to enjoy problems; they asked for help with their difficulties, but got upset when they were given the answers they wanted. Of course, the few times they did want direct answers, it was to wholly objective questions.

Still, as per the child's request, he did his best to instruct her.

"So... Area=1/2hb?" M'gann asked. "That's what the note says, but I don't really know what that means."

"The net area of an equilateral triangle is the base multiplied by the height, divided."

M'gann stared back blankly, her heartbeat spiking very slightly. "What?"

"The net area of an equilateral triangle is the base multiplied by the height, divided."

"I don't understand what you're saying..."

Red Tornado thought about how to rephrase this, he did not understand what the issue was, but if it would assist Ms Martian, he would find other synonyms for her. "The complete area of an equilateral triangle is reached by multiplying the base of the triangle from the height of the triangle, divided in half." M'gann stared back, her flat face unchanged. "Do you understand?"

The martian stared in silence for a few seconds, her face began contorting, as if in pain. In seconds, droplets began racing down her face. M'gann struggled to inhale and turned away, wiping her face on her forearm, though it did not dry much.

"I'm— I'm sorry!" Her voice cracked and shook as if she was severely ill, but aside from her increased heart rate and overheating face, she seemed of health. She hid from him in her sleeves, though Red Tornado could not fathom why the area of an equilateral triangle would urge such a response.
"I'm just stupid! I'm sorry!"

"Ms Martian, to say that you are devoid of intelligence because no one has taught you something  is a completely irrational conclusion."

She sniffled a little, glancing up despite their hair. "What?" They immediately looked away.

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