CHAPTER III: "A life lived in love will never be dull"

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Caroline wasn't sure, if her plan would succeed, and she'd manage to benefit off of it in the best way possible: getting Jenna, and Klaus both to the place called Peace, that she knew both of them deserved to be at. Jenna for being a lovely person her whole life, and the fact, that it wasn't her fault she became the vampire in the first place, so she didn't really belong here, and Caroline knew that well.. And, Klaus for becoming the best version of himself, thanks to Hope. So, if both of them deserved to get to Peace, Caroline thought to herself, that maybe at the same time she could help Klaus, and Jenna in a way, that would also bring them peace within their hearts.. Of course, if everything would go according to her plan:

- Caroline, love.. Whenever you make that particular face, I know you're plotting something. So, maybe let's save ourselves that mystery, and straight up tell me.. What are you planning. ? – Klaus asked confused.

- What do you mean by saying I'm plotting something.. ? I have never, ever done anything like that – Caroline answered, with "offence" in her tone of voice, but a smile on her face.

- You really want me to list all those things, Caroline.. ? – Klaus replied with a playful voice.

- Look who's humor came back ! But, as much as I'm glad for that, please don't list those things.. – Caroline chuckled a little at the end of her sentence.

- Afraid it would take the whole evening ? – Klaus raised his eyebrows, stopping himself from laughing, and waited for Caroline's response.

- Are you seriously laughing at me right now, mister.. ? – Caroline looked at him, unbelievable of how quickly his humor changed, and sounded pretty offended.

- I'm sorry, it's just.. – Klaus started laughing, but didn't finish, due to Caroline's look on her face.

- Stop laughing, it's not funny ! Besides, I'm sure it wouldn't take the whole evening.. I haven't done that much plotting yet – Caroline said, crossing the arms on her chest.

- You don't say.. – Klaus answered, and tried avoiding Caroline's gaze, because he didn't want her to notice he was laughing.

- If you think I can't hear you laughing from beside there, then you're really, really wrong.. - Caroline replied with happiness in her voice, that could be heard, without turning to face Klaus.

- I don't know what you're talking about.. – Klaus slowly said word, after word, trying hard to contain himself from laughing at Caroline, thinking back about all her schemes.

- Oh really ? So, you're not laughing.. ? – Caroline only now turned around to face him, and once she did, Klaus burst out laughing at her.

Hearing Klaus laugh was one of the many things, Caroline used to enjoy about him. Every time both of them would start laughing, the initial tension would go out entirely, and they would feel as old time friends.. And, Caroline loved that feeling. Of how easily he could change her mood from one to another, and actually cheer her up, like many were unable to do.. Maybe it was just one of his traits, or just one of the many influences, that Klaus had on Caroline. Either way, she was satisfied with all of this.. Talking to him again, seeing him again, laughing beside him again, even though she knew well, that it was temporarily. That, it had the expiration date.. But, until then, she'd do everything she could to enjoy the time she given with him, to the fullest:

- Gosh.. I know, that I've already said this once, but.. It's just been so long, since we've last seen each other, and.. Here we are, yet I feel like nothing has changed, and the time hasn't passed. How is this possible.. ? I don't know, but I am certain of one thing. I enjoy this.. This chance to talk to you again – Caroline spoke honestly, which Klaus could hear in her voice.

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