CHAPTER XV: "We learn from failure, not from success"

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The visible tension between Adeline, and Frederick couldn't be hidden, even if both of them would want to cover it. The emotions, the feelings, the needs, desires, regrets – it was all flying in the air with the wind around, swaying the leaves on the trees, and the grass on the ground.. It almost feel like the time before the thunder. The time, when the world slowly covers itself with the darkness, when the sky slowly gets hidden by the dark clouds, when the leaves on the trees slowly start to sway in the beautiful harmony with the wind.. It was a beautiful thing to see, but also an important one to take under consideration. Because, though it all reminded Caroline of one of those exquisite, natural paintings, she knew well, that it was the exact time, before the first lightning appears on the sky, and loud thunderclaps silence everything else.. She knew, that sooner, or before one of those people in front of her, would explode. Would be the ones causing the wind to blow stronger, causing the dark clouds to cover more sky, causing the lighting to be the only visible light from outside the window.. Yet, she didn't try to stop it. She knew, that in order to achieve beautiful things, and feel better, you have to clear your head.. You have to clean your mind from every burden that had been weighting your heart down, and your fighting spirit. And, she knew, that screaming, fighting, getting the emotions out of you, even if it meant for you to get mad, or sad, Caroline was sure it would help.. Sometimes, such clearing of your conscience could help. And, she knew, that both Adeline, and Frederick needed just that..:

- Fine.. Just make it quick. I have.. Much more pleasant places to be.. Ones, that do not involve you being there – Adeline said after a second quite harshly.

- Thank you.. I appreciate you giving me a chance – Frederick smiled slightly to Adeline.

- Let's not make such a big deal about it. You have nothing to thank me for, since I haven't forgave you yet.. – Adeline replied, still annoyed, as it was quite hearable in her voice.

- You're right, I'm sorry.. – Frederick responded, visibly struggling to create a sentence.

- Take it easy, Frederick, alright ? One step at the time.. – Caroline tried to reassure Frederick everything was going to be okay.

- Alright, I just.. Don't know from what event I should start. There's so many good starts, but.. – Frederick wasn't able to finish, as Adeline cut his sentence short.

- Only one ending.. – Adeline said, but not impatient like before, much rather devastated.

- Start from the beginning your heart tells you to start with. From that moment, you'll know what to say.. Trust me on this one – Caroline encouraged Frederick to think his story through, and that's when he suddenly took one deep breath, and started from the beginning his heart was advising.

Adeline knew, that she had only two choices. And, each one of them would mean a consequence she wouldn't come back from, and.. That scared her.. She hated making decisions. Especially such tough ones, because when it came to judging someone's character, she wasn't the best at it.. She was often misled by her own emotions, feelings, or humors, and.. These things weren't the greatest advisors. And, the fact, that she had to either condemn the man in front of him for his sins, or redeem him in the eyes of everyone, was stressing her out.. It was Evangeline, who knew what to do, what to say, how to act. In the meantime, Adeline was this worse twin. The one, that couldn't do anything alright, be perfect for once in her life, always had to mess up everything.. And, ever since Evangeline has passed away, it was her, who had to make all those tough choices. Who had to take care of her family's name, and members. Technically there was this third option, that involved her running away from both Frederick, and Caroline, but Adeline knew well, that it would be only a temporary solution.. It wouldn't change anything, but in fact, delay those things, those chapters, matters, that should've had ended years ago. And, making this case wait for much longer, than it was needed, seemed to Adeline like a bad idea.. An idea, that she didn't want to go with. So, despite the mixed emotions she's felt towards Frederick in that moment, she decided to hear him out.. After all, he gave her a free choice. That, no matter, what she would do, and decide, he would be alright with that. And, those exact words were enough to make her a bit less stressful than before..

Unfinished Symphony - Caroline Forbes & Klaus MikaelsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ