CHAPTER XXII: "Expect nothing, and appreciate everything"

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It was finally the time for Frederick to repay his debt, and he knew quite well what he had to do. Frederick could feel it in his bones, that for some magical, unknown to him reason, this was the exact moment, in which he had to help Caroline, as she once helped him.. He wasn't sure on how exactly she needed his help, but there was no time to waste thinking about the right reason. He had already made his decision to stay back, and provide Caroline with the same good care, that she offered him, when he needed that the most, and that was exactly what he was going to do.. The only problem was, he wasn't exactly sure on where he could find Caroline. He couldn't exactly go back to Zied's bar, and ask his past co-workers, if they've seen her, as he didn't want them, nor Zied, to notice, that he was now a free man, and give the owner time to prepare some kind of revenge.. After all, Frederick left Zied's side, without saying any words, and if he would find out, that one of his soldiers quit their duty, without his approval, he would probably do absolutely anything to either get him back into the servitude, or eliminate him. Because, though such sweet freedom was a blessing for Frederick, it was a curse for Zied.. If any of his other soldiers noticed, that they didn't really need his approval to be free once again, Zied would lose one of the aces up his sleeve, as it would probably lead to some conflicts, and uprisings against him, and.. Although, he was quite powerful, he wasn't invincible, and knew well, that there is much strength in numbers. And, if it would come down to him, having to fight alone against so many people, he wouldn't have any other choice, rather than to give up.. And, Frederick knew that. But, though his freedom could be a great motivation to all of the trapped people to go, and rebel against Zied, he couldn't risk it.. He couldn't risk being early discovered, and ruining an entire plan, that he was sure, Caroline was already preparing. Frederick could see the determination in her eyes, and he knew, that if Caroline promised herself to help those in need, she would, without doubt.. But, though Frederick didn't exactly know, where Caroline was, he decided to go visit one of his old friends, that he was sure, would help him, without informing Zied, as the man wanted to go against Zied for quite some time now, as well. Besides, it was a good opportunity to catch up.. When Frederick managed to arrive at his friend's door, he knocked a couple of times, and only after nearly two minutes, the door finally opened, which Frederick was glad for:

- Frederick.. ? What.. What are you doing here ? – the man in the front door, asked.

- I thought you'd be much happier than that to see me.. But, it's fine, it's been a while. So, can I come in.. ? – Frederick answered, nervously looking around.

- I, uh.. Sure. Just, hurry up, okay.. ? – the man let Frederick inside, and both of them sat down on couches.

- Nice decorating you've got here.. I'm surprised you were even able to do that, after spending so much time on that secret mission of yours – Frederick said, and then the man in front of him, sent him a confused look.

- Secret mission of mine.. ? What do you mean by that ? – the man replied, shortly.

- You know well what I mean. The mission, that Zied gave you a couple of weeks ago.. ? – Frederick responded, but then he noticed, that there was something wrong with his friend's expression.

- Oh, that one.. But, you are aware of it being a lie, right ? – the man eyed Frederick up, and down.

- A lie ? I.. But, Zied said.. – Frederick wasn't able to finish, as his friend cut his sentence short.

- I know well, what Zied said. I know well, what he told everyone.. I know well, how he wanted everyone to think. But, all those weeks ago, I wasn't send on a mission.. – the man answered.

- Then, what were you doing for so many weeks, without telling anyone.. ? – Frederick said, confused.

- Zied found out about my plan. He found out, that I was trying to cause an uprising against him, and.. He didn't like that. All those weeks ago, when he called me to his office, he revealed to me, that he knows about my aims.. And, then he.. – the man didn't finish.

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