CHAPTER IV: "With uncertainty, there is never a dull moment"

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The silence was now echoing not only around the house, where Jenna was supposed to wait for their meeting, but also inside Caroline's head. It echoed so much, that it was almost making her feel dizzy, like she was about to faint, but she knew she had to keep her head clear, and put all the pieces together.. She couldn't just give up to this feeling, that used to overwhelm her so many times before, when she was younger. So, in order to overcome this frustrating emotion, that Caroline used to feel so many times before, she decided to blink a couple of times, but unfortunately it brought a very different outcome, than from the one she expected – because in the moment, when she started rapidly blinking over, and over again, she suddenly zoned out for a second, and heard something, that she was sure, and certain, that she was supposed to remember, but she couldn't really put her finger on what it meant, and why it came to her so suddenly.. Because, it almost felt like something she knew before, something she had experienced before, but for some unknown to her reason, she didn't really remember it. Or, at least didn't understand it..:

- Why did you bring me here.. ? – Caroline's own voice echoed in her mind.

- To send a message. To make sure my little friends stay away too.. – a female voice answered, but because it was so blurry, Caroline couldn't really hear to whom it belonged to.

- Well, I don't think they'll listen.. – Caroline's voice could be heard again, and in the moment as she heard it herself, she came back to the reality, with Klaus standing in front of her.

What was that.. ? Caroline wasn't sure. What did it mean.. ? On that, Caroline wasn't certain, as well. It almost felt a lost, or forgotten memory, that was just now coming back to her.. But, why did it choose this time as the perfect one ? Caroline couldn't tell. And, she didn't decide to question it, due to the fact, that each time she was starting to ask her mind questions about that weird vision, it was always making her feel worse, than before..:

- Caroline.. ? Caroline, please talk to me ! – Klaus placed his hand on Caroline's shoulder, with worry in his eyes.

- I'm here, I'm.. I'm fine, don't worry – Caroline answered, with visible confusion in her gaze.

- Are you alright.. ? You weren't answering me for minutes now, and I got worried. Are you sure you're okay.. ? – Klaus started asking, with a soft voice.

- I'm.. I'm not sure. I.. Some image just suddenly appeared in my head, and I zoned out, and I feel like I should know where it came from, but I can't really put my finger on it – Caroline said honestly, with a worried look in her eyes.

- Did it feel like a memory.. ? – Klaus responded, wanting to help Caroline as much as he could.

- Yeah, like something I should remember, but for some reason I can't. It's like having something at the tip of your tongue, but you're not able to tell what it exactly is.. Do you think it.. It happened already ? Maybe.. Before I got here ? – Caroline wanted to already know all the answers.

- It's possible, love. Each memory comes back within time.. So, if you don't remember what happened before you got here now, then maybe in some time you will get all the pieces you need to solve the mystery of your appearance here ? – Klaus answered, and stroked Caroline's hand, wanting to release the stress, and worry she was now feeling.

- Oh, wait.. What are we doing here, again ? – Caroline said, confused with everything, as she felt like everything was twisting itself now just to make her angry.

- Well.. On that, I'm not sure, love. You were the one, who told me we need to go, and so I followed you here, remember.. ? But, I'm not that blind to not notice who's house it is, so.. Does it have to do anything with the particular person we probably both are thinking of, and happens to live in this place ? – Klaus asked, waiting patiently for Caroline to clear her head, and focus on the present.

Unfinished Symphony - Caroline Forbes & Klaus Mikaelsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن