CHAPTER VII: "One's greatest challenge is to control oneself"

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Pitch darkness. That type of darkness, that could scare the bravest ones.. That type of darkness, that could overcome each one of your thoughts, and make you forget yourself. That type of darkness, that was somehow always inside of you, but just waited for your hand to reach it, and be free.. That type of darkness, in which were creatures you didn't understand. That type of darkness, in which you doubted every single thing, even the one you were sure of.. Cold. That type of cold, that was making your limbs unrecognizable, not perceptible to you.. That type of cold, that was making each one of your moves painful. That type of cold, that wasn't letting you speak, let even one word out of your mouth.. That type of cold, that couldn't be overcame even with the happiest memories. Caroline knew well, what those feelings were, as she felt them before, and in fact, was feeling them now.. She didn't quite understand what led her to this chilling darkness, and murky cold, that were so familiar, but she was sure something bad must've happened, if she was here, and not out there, beside Klaus, negotiating with Zied. And, with each second, the doubt, worry, and the fear were growing stronger inside of her heart, as she was unable to tell, what exactly happened, and what was still about to happen.. Besides, it wasn't like she even got a chance to think about it, since the second she found herself inside the darkness, Caroline's heard the same voice again, that she couldn't quite recognize, but sounded oddly familiar to her:

- My humanity switch flipped the second.. But, I gotta say.. It really seems to be working for me – the blurry voice echoed in Caroline's head, as it seemed like some part of that sentence got cut off. For a reason, as Caroline could feel.

Few seconds after Caroline's heard the mysterious, yet familiar voice once again, she felt this sharp pain in her head, and when she blinked a couple of times, she found herself back in the reality.. And, surprisingly, the first thing she saw was Jenna looking at her with pure fear in her eyes. And, though Caroline wanted to exchange a few words, ask how it was possible for Jenna to be beside her, but the second she noticed her, and Jenna weren't on the field they were before, and there was no sign of Zied, his army, nor Klaus, she started panicking.. Be Beause in fact, there was a real reason to do so. After all, before everything went black for her again, Klaus, and her were about to decide on who takes the deal, that Zied offered.. And, though it was supposed to be Caroline, who would stay behind, she somehow couldn't exactly tell what happened, and if the deal even went through, but what she was mostly worried about was that mysterious feeling inside of her heart, telling her, that something was wrong. That something bad has happened.. And, so she couldn't help herself, but just ask straight away, wanting to her the bad news first. Only then, she could go to some easier, and happier ones..:

- Jenna.. ? Where.. Where are we ? Where is Klaus.. ? – Caroline started looking around, as to hoping she'd see Klaus soon.

- Caroline.. ?! Are you okay ? Gosh, I was so worried you wouldn't wake up.. – Jenna seemed to be focused on yet a different matter, than Caroline.

- As much as happy, and well.. Mostly confused I am to see you, I need you to answer my question. Where is Zied.. ? Where is everyone ? What even happened to me.. ? – Caroline slowly got up from the ground, but the second she did, she felt dizzy.

- Caroline, I.. I am not sure on what exactly happened, but I know one thing for sure.. That, I am here, because of Klaus. I don't even know what he was doing there with you, Zied, and everybody else, but he.. He saved us both. That's what I know for sure.. – Jenna answered, with visible confusion in her own eyes.

- What do you mean by saying "he saved us both".. ? How ? – Caroline started asking, in hearable panic.

- If I understood it correctly, he exchanged his place with my own.. His freedom for mine. Alongside taking you out of that field into some safe space.. Now, I am not sure what happened before they dragged me onto that field, but.. After I arrived, your body was already not moving on the ground. I tried asking what happened, but no one wanted to answer me.. Why are you asking so much about him ? I know, it is really confusing on how he'd found himself there, and why he did what he did in the first place, but.. I can tell, there's more to it, Caroline.. So please, enlighten me. I do not want anyone to lie, or hide the truth from me, anymore.. – Jenna explained, yet not really understanding what has happened.

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