CHAPTER XXXVII: "Our strength grows out of our weakness"

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It sincerely took few seconds for Caroline to truly realize what was happening. And, what was about to happen.. Not so long ago, she was thinking about only one thing: the conflict between Tania, and Zied, and the fight, that would take place sooner, than later. But, now, she had yet another problem to think about.. One, concerning the person of Zied himself, whom Caroline could feel, she would meet very soon. And, it wasn't like she wasn't surprised by Riley's sudden arrival, and sharp tongue, however, Caroline tried her best to hide her emotions.. Because, it was also the truth, that ever since she met Riley, she could feel this little hunch, and the voice at the back of her head, however, because she didn't trust those two things that much, she decided back then to not give it too much attention. And, now, as it was figuring, she was right.. There was something, which Riley was hiding, and it was Caroline's own mistake to not listen to herself. However, it was too late to think about what could've been.. The fact was, Caroline was taken against her will, and was going to be brought to Zied as a gift, which she guessed by the various conversations between Riley, and one of the people, who held her. And, it was right, because in the moment, when they entered the building, which looked like an old, and abandoned bungalow house (thanks to all the cobwebs), and the fire in the fireplace, in the living room, was lit by one of the witches, Zied's face glowed on one of the couches there with a smirk of a bad guy..:

- Caroline.. Welcome to my humble abode ! I'm sorry, that I have to welcome you in these, however.. Someone forgot to inform me sooner, that you'd be my guest.. And, believe me, if I knew earlier, I would've prepared something special for, well uh.. Someone special – Zied said slowly, and looked at one of the guys with anger in his eyes.

- No worries. I know very well how good of a host you are.. So.. Was this 'appearing, when the fireplace is lit' your idea ? Because, well.. It wasn't the best of your entrances, I'll admit – Caroline judged, trying to stay calm.

- Oh, believe me, I know.. I had a whole musical number prepared for you, but.. Some bird chirped in the last second, that you don't like too-fancy things. Besides, the short time.. I hope you'll understand, and won't be disappointed in me, Caroline – Zied responded, with a soft voice.

- Trust me, I would never think anything bad of you, regarding the hospitality. I know well what you're capable of.. So.. Can I help you somehow ? – Caroline asked, and started staring at Zied.

- You may, actually. Please, everyone.. Leave the two of us alone – Zied replied, without letting his sight off Caroline.

- B-but.. Zied, that does mean, that we.. ? – Riley didn't get to finish her sentence.

- Riley. I said everyone.. I'll talk to you soon. But, if you must know, you've done quite a good job, however.. It doesn't erase your past mistakes, does it ? – Zied looked at Riley, but she didn't dare to answer, and left, with others joining her.

- You really have her wrapped around your little finger, huh.. Who would've thought, that I'd get to see such view, especially since she was quite persistent on joining in the forces against you – Caroline chuckled a little, still standing.

- Oh, where are my manners, forgive me.. Please, sit down. I've taken a place for you.. – Zied gestured for Caroline to sit beside him.

- So.. You'll forgive Riley, and let her come back to your little army ? – Caroline asked, truly curious.

- Ah, of that I can't really say.. I haven't decided yet. You see, when someone decides to go against me, I usually do not forgive them, and well.. Send out my forces to find them. However, she hasn't done anything that bad, has she now.. In all seriousness though, she's done, what I wanted to do for some time now.. And, it seems, like she truly regrets her decision. About accepting Tania's proposition, I mean.. – Zied answered, with his voice lowering, when he said Tania's name.

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