CHAPTER XXVIII: "Long is the road from conception to completion"

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Tania had her ways around Zied's circle of loyal soldiers. Mainly because she once used to be a part of that circle, which suffocated the joy from her life, as much, as it could, to the point, when it seemed, like she would never get it back.. However, it was also because Tania was generally a really understanding, sometimes harsh, but overall, sympathetic person. Almost each time, when it was possible, she would try to help some new recruits to get the hang of, and familiar with Zied's moods, and orders, as she understood, that for beginners, it was tough to get used to this new reality, in which their self-sufficiency, and freedom, got replaced by the dependency of Zied.. She once used to think of it as a gift. Something, that would make her life much easier, and simpler.. But, overtime she got smarter. She got more mature, and aware of the situation around her.. Mostly, about how it all worked. And, so that's exactly what brought her near the pub's grounds, that belonged to Zied, in order to find some sort of reconciliation between people, who would dare to stand against Zied with her, and follow her lead in the upcoming war.. Tania knew, that it wasn't anything simple to ask of off people, but she had to try. If she wanted to have some sort of a chance against Zied, she needed people.. She needed warriors, that would be ready to fight to the very end:

- Tania. It's been a while, since I last saw you.. – some female voice said from behind her.

- Rose.. 'The one, that got away' – Tania turned around, and smiled warmly.

- In our times, perhaps yes. And, for a certain time later.. But.. Unfortunately, even the best, end up being caught at the very end – Rose answered, and hugged Tania tightly.

- Just don't tear up, okay.. ? – Tania hugged Rose back.

- As, if I'm the one, who'd do so.. So, how are you ? – Rose responded, and released Tania from the hug.

- You're seriously asking me that.. ? If anyone here should ask that question, it should be me. Jeez, how many years, has it been.. Firstly, when you died, and.. Then, when you had to disappear in this place for that special thing of yours. I've missed you.. Mostly your never-failing methods of making me laugh – Tania said, and both of them sat down on some boxes.

- My, my.. Who would've thought, that such a long break would make you softer. Always thought you were the coldest one, out of us two.. And, well.. If we have to get sentimental, and teary, then.. I've missed you too, for what it's worth. But, you know well what happened, and.. Why exactly I.. Had to disappear, and do, what I had to do.. – Rose replied, and started staring at the ground.

- Softer.. ? I think my fists would strongly disagree with your opinion. And, yeah, you don't have to explain that.. Some things are just better left alone, you know.. How long have you been in town ? – Tania asked, curious of the answer.

- There it is.. So, nothing changed, as it seems. Just, you got better at hiding your coldness.. And, well, truth to be told, I got here a few hours ago. Had to report to Zied about the progress, and results, you know.. Standard procedures. Speaking of which.. How did you find out I was back ? – Rose answered, looking at Tania.

- Well.. Despite me being a public enemy no. 1, it still doesn't mean I don't have friends, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for me. In all seriousness though, it was actually Trevor, who informed me about your sudden arrival, which.. I'm very glad about – Tania responded, and smiled slightly.

- Gosh, what an.. I was actually going to make you a surprise, but since he already blew the it, then.. There's nothing else left to do, but to make him regret the day, he was born – Rose chuckled a little, at the thought of Trevor being so talkative.

- Oh, come on.. Give him some slack ! I actually kind of.. Threatened him to inform me, if you'd ever come back, so.. He basically didn't have much choice. But, you didn't hear that from me.. – Tania laughed a little, being glad to spend time with her longtime friend.

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