CHAPTER XXV: "Behavior is the mirror, in which everyone shows their image"

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Klaus knew well, that perhaps this wasn't the best moment to show his emotions, since he should be out there, looking intensively for Caroline, but.. Sometimes, even he was struggling to control them.. Especially, when they included someone as Caroline. Someone so kind, so good, so steady, so peaceful, so close.. The matter was really important, and Klaus knew, that each second counted, and that he couldn't waste even one. So, even though he appreciated Tania's gesture, he quickly released himself from her hug, and took a deep breath, knowing well, that it would calm his worries, anger, and guilt (even if not forever)..:

- I.. I need to go. I have to find her.. – Klaus said to Tania, who had a weird expression on her face.

- I agree on that one, however.. You don't even know, where to start looking for Caroline. We need some clues.. Some trail, that will lead us right back to her. We can't waste time like that.. – Tania answered, still not sure on what to think.

- Well.. Any suggestions ? Because, I can't think of anything rational right now.. All I want to do is just barge into that little place of his. Burn everything he cares for.. – Klaus responded, with hearable anger in his voice.

- And, I get that, I really do. But.. We need to be smart about this. Which, makes me wonder.. – Tania started, like she was still trying to put all the puzzles together.

- Wonder what.. ? How we're going to make his life miserable ? – Klaus asked, with some madness in his eyes.

- That too.. But, unfortunately, Zied is not on my mind right now. At least, thoughts about him aren't so loud as the ones about Riley.. – Tania folded the arms on her chest.

- About Riley.. ? Why ? What's on your mind.. ? – Klaus looked at Tania, curiously.

- I mean, think about this.. She leads us to this hut, that 'no one knows of', and then, literal minutes later, we get attacked by some guys, that can be so quickly defeated ? And, then, as I'm trying to cheer you up, she looks stressed, scared even, and leaves.. ? It's just a bit suspicious, when I think about it – Tania said, honestly.

- Well.. Now, that you mention it. But, what are you suggesting.. ? That she's the one behind Caroline's abduction ? – Klaus eyed Tania.

- All I'm saying is.. That, perhaps it was her plan to do so. But, judging by her looked, perhaps something went wrong.. So, that means.. – Tania looked Klaus in his eyes, with some worry in her eyes.

- That someone else took Caroline.. – Klaus finished Tania's sentence.

It was all just like a silly dream for Klaus. Caroline ending up in the same world as him, the two of them bonding again, having crazy adventures, being separated, finding each other, and fighting for the good forces, together, side by side.. And now, her being kidnapped by someone, that wasn't known to Klaus. It was just.. A lot to take in. After Klaus's spectacular sacrifice, he thought, that he'd finally have some peace, and quiet for himself, but as it was turning out to be, things were messing themselves up, even here, on the Other Side.. Even the deceased had problems, that they needed to take care of. And, Klaus would be okay with that, him having to fight for others, but.. This wasn't only about him, because Caroline was involved too.. She could get hurt, and never find peace again. And, if something like that happened, he wouldn't be able to live with that thought.. So, not thinking much about it, following his inner gut feeling, and what his heart was telling him, Klaus took one, last look at Tania, like he was saying 'sorry', without using any words, and quickly left the hut, with the intention of finding Riley, and getting all the answers from her. No matter, in what way..

-- In the same moment, with Lizzie ----------

Lizzie knew, that if Josie, or Caroline, or Alaric even, would hear about what she had done, they would probably curse her, and say how foolish she was. How naive it was of her to believe in the words of someone, whom, with each day, was hurting a new person.. She knew that well. But, it wasn't like Lizzie did this, because she wanted to.. Perhaps, some part of her truly desired what was offered, but it was really more about what she could do, and whom she could protect. And, so, though Lizzie knew, that no one would call her a hero, especially after such decision, she had to believe, that it was a good choice.. That, it was the best one, she could possibly make. Because, if she stopped believing, that she was good, who knows, what could've happened.. Before Lizzie opened up her eyes, she felt the wind stroking her cheeks, and swaying her hair. But, it was only after she's heard a familiar voice, that she decided to open up her eyes.. And, once she did, she noticed Landon in front of her, looking confused, as never:

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