CHAPTER XXXI: "Nothing good ever comes easy"

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Klaus knew he was playing rather a dangerous, and wicked game. And, he also knew, that his rival was not someone, whom you could underappreciate, and discard.. Someone, whom you could take lightly. And, in some ways, Austin did remind Klaus quite of himself.. Someone, whom could send chills down your spine, only with words. It wasn't like Klaus was scared of Austin, but.. There was this thrilling danger connected with him.. Something, that was filling Klaus with a particular doze of adrenaline, and was making him want to fight Austin even more. Just to check the strength, and the power behind his harsh tongue.. However, despite that, Klaus also knew, that he had to be careful. Sure, he was a hybrid, a very powerful creature, but.. Well, he was facing someone from Zied's army – a person known for manipulation, and wicked schemes.. So, a small amount of precaution shouldn't hurt anyone. Especially, in the scenario, when in fact, it was not only him against Austin alone, but also against the men, whom he questioned earlier..:

- So, you're the hybrid everyone's been taking about, huh.. Caused quite a trouble – Austin spoke after some minutes of silence.

- As my middle name suggests.. However.. Don't take it as anything impolite, please, but.. I've never had the pleasure of learning about your existence. Would you mind introducing again.. ? – Klaus looked at Austin, with what seemed to be a smile.

- Not, at all. You already know my name, so let's skip to the most interesting parts, shall we.. ? I'm Zied's second right hand. A bit of an officer, if you will.. And, as it seems, you've managed to capture some of my own. Truly embarrassing.. That makes quite an opinion about me, does it ? But, don't worry.. Next time I'll prove myself better – Austin responded, without letting his gaze off Klaus.

- Second right hand.. ? Congratulations, then. That is truly a magnificent honor to be under Zied's rule.. And, don't worry.. Happens to the best of us. After all, we can't control our own, can we.. ? Well, at least, not everyone – Klaus replied, keeping his hands behind his back.

- That is true. However, don't you agree, that it's better to have loyalty over manipulating someone for benefits.. ? It seems to me, that people wouldn't last long on the control part – Austin said, and folded the arms on his chest.

- Ordinary people, wouldn't. But, not everyone.. – Klaus answered, with a certain tone of voice.

- Oh right, the existence of 'outstanding individuals', my mistake.. Completely forgot about it. It's just.. You don't seem that special at the first glance. Of course, it is a fact, that you're 'the hybrid', however.. Something just tells me, that you're not the exact way they paint you to be – Austin looked over to the men, who were tied up.

- Don't worry.. Many make the same mistake, and underestimate me. It is only after later, that they learn how wrong they were to disregard me.. And, well, I am well aware of how they paint me to be. Which is actually the right way.. Perfect, I'd say, how they know me better, than I do myself – Klaus responded, and chuckled a little.

- Please, forgive me.. I've never meant to underestimate you, or disregard. It's just.. Hard to believe something I haven't seen with my own eyes, you know.. – Austin replied, with some cheerfulness in his tone of voice.

- Well.. Nothing is lost. There's still time for you to be taught.. – Klaus smiled, and both of them went silent again.

It was just seconds, or few minutes, before it was going to happen. Any time now, one of them was going to make the first move.. Either Austin, who seemed to be rather ecstatic about what was going to happen, or Klaus, who seemed to slowly grow annoyed of Austin's arrogant tone of voice. But, though he wished he could be the one, who'd wipe the smile off Austin's face, he knew he couldn't be impulsive.. Not here, not right now. Not in front of a person of such matter, who seemed to be quite experienced with dealing with people of Klaus's cross-section.. He understood, that each minute counted. Each minute away from Caroline, and safety.. Each minute away from his allies. However, he also knew, that in this case, time also counted, and played rather a crucial role.. A role of the arbitrary, who was going to settle the score between Austin, and Klaus. But, although after a couple of seconds, Klaus wanted to form some sort of communication again with Austin, it seemed like he on his own, had no interest in talking, as in one second, he sent his fist in the direction of Klaus.. Thankfully though, he swiftly managed to avoid the punch:

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