CHAPTER XXXVI: "Unity is strength, division is weakness"

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Landon wanted to be a part of this whole mission against Zied, for a long time now. And, the reason for it was in fact, very simple.. Because, even though he wasn't alive anymore, he still was around people, who needed help. And, although, perhaps, he wasn't their first choice, or the best one, he promised himself, that he would do anything in his power, to continue to do what's right, and noble.. Just like in the times, when he was still in the Real World, next to his brother, Hope, and his friends. He did miss all of them, and he had to admit, that being all alone in the world full of supernatural creatures, who weren't anything like you, was a tough experience.. Because, even though he had some time to adapt to his new situation, the first time, when he discovered he was the phoenix, and the second, when he found out, that he's the son of Malivore, and then, that Hope has to end his life, he was still finding it tough to feel like a part of this whole supernatural-creatures-society. After all, all his life he had spent going from one place to another, and living a normal life, as a common human..:

- So, do you understand what you have to find.. ? – Caroline asked again, just to be sure.

- Yeah, I think so.. A mythical object, filled with black magic. What can go wrong, am I right.. ? – Landon chuckled a little, in order to release some tension.

- Landon.. You know, that you can say 'no', right ? I won't hold anything against you, if you decide to not take up this mission.. It's very dangerous, and just know, that you are allowed to make your own choice. Don't think of it, as something necessary.. In any case, I can find you a much safer, and easier mission – Caroline responded, not wanting to put Landon in big trouble.

- No, Mrs. Saltzman, that won't be necessary. Sure, I am kind of stressed, but as I said before, I want to help.. And, well, if it is as important as you mentioned before, I want to be a part of this great thing, that you all are doing for everyone, who's been trapped by Zied's side, for a long time. So, don't worry.. I got this. I'll try to return as fast, as it is possible.. – Landon answered, confidently.

- Thank you. You're a brave person, Landon.. Just, remember to not ever mistake bravery with bravado. Or, it can cost you much.. – Caroline replied, putting a hand on Landon's shoulder.

- I know.. And, I will not do so. You have my word on it.. – Landon smiled to Caroline, warmly.

- I'm glad to hear that. Be careful, though.. And, watch out on your way back. We can never be sure, if Zied hasn't sent someone after us, to find out about all of our plans.. So, avoid any unnecessary contact, as much, as you can. Got it.. ? – Caroline explained, to prepare Landon.

- Yep. I think I got it all figured out.. I should be fine. I'll meet you in some time, Mrs. Saltzman.. Take care, and also, be careful – Landon answered, and then said goodbye to Caroline, who watched him slowly leave.

From one side, Caroline felt bad with her decision. That, instead of achieving everything on her own, she was sending a literal teenager to do something for her, but.. From the other, she knew, that it was a good choice.. Maybe, not the smartest, but the best, regarding the situation. And, the only one, that she could think of, in a place, as this one.. And, it wasn't only about the fact, that it was Hope, who attacked her, that she was going to war, that she still hasn't seen Klaus, that Zied was such a big threat, but also about the fact, that now, important to her people, were getting involved in all of this chaos. Because, she could tell, that whoever decided to engage themselves in the war, was eventually going to get hurt.. And, she, most of all, wished to avoid that. Ever since she found out, that Lizzie has been here before, met Zied, and became his puppet, Caroline had a hard time to think clearly about everything, that was going on.. And, also finding out, that Frederick was also here, trapped by Zied, and that he still hasn't travelled to Peace, when he had the chance, was also making it tough for Caroline to feel even nearly okay. Because, more people staying behind, simply meant more people to cry after.. And, Caroline, knew that well from her own experience. When Landon slowly disappeared from Caroline's view, and she was about to join Tania, and Rose in their conversation, suddenly she noticed something from the afar.. A shadow, reflecting off the figure, standing in one of the alleyways, facing her, but she couldn't exactly see, who it was. And, so without thinking much about it, she quickly told Tania, that she would be 'right back', and used her vampire speed to chase after the mysterious shadow.. And, when she appeared in the alleyway, it only took her few steps to notice the mysterious figure, off of which, she, was facing its back:

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