CHAPTER XI: "The time is always right to do what is right"

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Many things, and generally emotions could drive one person to achieve nearly impossible, or something tough. Love, hate, the need of revenge, desire, anger, confidence.. In Caroline's case, mostly worry, care, and a bit of love were the things, that were showing her the way she should go. She didn't know why her heart was leading her exactly into some dark alley, but knowing, that it had been helpful before, Caroline decided to just silently accept its rights, and wrongs.. Maybe sometimes her heart was causing her to act impulsive, under heightened emotions, but.. This time, she felt differently. Because not only was her heart showing her the way, but also her mind.. It almost felt, like in the presence of great danger, both of her main factors decided to work together, in order to achieve something good. And, though it was quite weird to Caroline on how she was able to unite both her heart, and mind, that were so different, she decided to just use what she was given, and not wonder about it that much.. Not only because she felt like it wasn't important, but also because she felt, like even if she tried to figure that out, she just basically wouldn't. So, it was far better to accept the new reality, and silently follow her factors' lead.. When Caroline managed to find herself near the alleyway itself, she decided to firstly listen for any signs of the potential traps, before actually wandering there on her own. Even if she was a strong supernatural creature, she still wasn't invincible.. Even in this world. When Caroline tuck her hair behind her ears, she also closed her eyes to focus entirely, and that's when she's heard two familiar voices.. Of one of them, she was sure who it belonged to, but with guessing who's the second voice was, she had some problems:

- Thank you, even if those words are barely coming out of my mouth. But, whatever drove you to making such a decision, I.. Is there anything I can do to somehow help, and at the same time repay you ? You know, cause some chaos, hurt some lost lambs.. ? If you've heard about me being an artist, I'm sure you've heard about me being "the hybrid" – Klaus's voice echoed, which made Caroline's heart beat faster.

- A little bird told me so.. Well.. For now, I've got everything handled on my own. But, when the right time comes, I.. I hope you'll remember what lines I have crossed to do, what I did.. – the second voice said, and then Caroline saw a shadow coming her way.

It wasn't even a choice, but more of an impulse – the second Caroline noticed, and heard someone coming her way, she immediately hid behind some steel stuff. Only after the unknown then figure passed the place she was in, she noticed that it was no one else, than Tania herself.. The one, who disagreed with Caroline so much, when she was trying to convince the crowd about the second way, through which you could leave the Other Side. The question, that Caroline wanted to ask now was, what Klaus was thanking her for, and why he was talking to Tania in the first place.. One was though sure, the entire situation, meaning a piece of their conversation, was enough for her to assume several things. Most of them were rather bad, so in order to stop her mind from creating such obscure, and surely unreal scenarios, she decided to confront Klaus.. Whatever happened, when she left Klaus alone on that field, needed to have an explanation. And, Caroline would drag that out of Klaus, even if she'd have to use force.. It was the time to spill all the beans, and generally be honest. Starting now..:

- Never have I ever thought, that I'd see you socialize with people, who annoyed you not so long ago – Caroline started, before finally coming out of the shadows.

It took Klaus a couple of seconds to turn around, like he was wondering if he should even start the conversation with Caroline in the first place, but once he made up his mind, and turned around, Caroline immediately noticed something different inside of his eyes. Not exactly something bad, but something unknown, or hidden.. Like Klaus didn't want her to see him now, didn't want her to talk to him now, like.. He didn't want to exactly ignore her, because it wasn't who he was, but at the same time he'd love to bury himself somewhere six feet under just to avoid exchanging a few words with her. But, even though Caroline could see the confusion, stress, sadness, and worry inside of Klaus's eyes, she had to get to the bottom of whatever has happened.. No matter how hard Klaus would try to hide the truth from her:

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