CHAPTER XXXIX: "The mind replays what the heart can't delete"

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Caroline did not want to replay that one, particular moment in her mind over, and over again, but it didn't really seem like she had any choice in that matter. Zied's words, his posture, his attitude, the madness within his eyes.. She knew well, that she had no other choice, and that she did everything she could, in order to somehow fight, and stand against Zied, but.. That just simply wasn't enough, and although Caroline knew, that everyone would agree upon Zied's request, if they were faced with such situation, she still felt bad, and angry with herself. With how easily she gave in, and dropped the fight.. With how weak it was making her feel. But, even though she'd do anything to turn back down, and try to fight again, she knew, that it was all over.. She had already said 'yes', and there was no going back. While walking through the streets, and alleyways, in order to find her friends back, suddenly Caroline felt this weird feeling of warmth, peace, and something oddly familiar, coming from her right, a dark passage it was.. And, although she had her doubts about following this mysterious feeling, she decided to trust her heart, which was telling her, that this was the right way, that she should go, that it would be the right choice for her to make. And, so not thinking about it that much, Caroline, without looking back, headed towards the dark passage, in order to find something, as she hoped, hopeful.. After few minutes of just walking, Caroline suddenly saw someone passing from one side to the other. And, although she was a bit scared to approach the stranger, she decided to just go there, as she had enough of feeling hopeless, and weak.. And, when Caroline headed the way, in which the stranger went, she noticed that person looking around anxiously. And, the first thing she immediately noticed, was that, the person in front of her, had also oddly light blonde hair..:

- Who are you ? – Caroline asked from a certain, safe distance, which caused the stranger to stop moving.

- Mom.. ? – the female stranger mumbled to herself, which Caroline overheard, and only then, she turned around.

It was like someone pierced Caroline's heart with a wooden stake, when the mysterious stranger turned out to be her own daughter. She didn't, at first, know how to react, as she wasn't sure, if it wasn't just one of Zied's mind games, in order to see what she would do.. But, after the tear fell down Lizzie's cheek, and she smiled warmly, Caroline used her vampire speed to find her daughter in her arms in seconds. And, when the hugged tightly, it was finally the time for Caroline to take a real sigh of relief.. After all, she had her daughter in her arms, and knew, that nothing would hurt her now. As for Lizzie, she was purely thrilled.. She was indeed a grown up, but there were these rare types of situations, when all you wanted, was to find yourself in the arms of your parent, and tell them how strong you were trying to be, but it wasn't working, and for Lizzie, it was that type of situation. Except, she didn't really have to say anything, in order for Caroline to understand how she felt.. It was, as the two of them had this unique bond, and relation, that was allowing them to read each other's emotions. And, so standing still, in a tight hug, both of them were exchanging their pain, without using any words.. And, they stayed that way, until one of them finally decided to break the silence:

- Mom, I.. I thought I'd never get to see you again – Lizzie said with teary eyes.

- Sh.. I'm here. I got you, you're safe.. – Caroline answered with sadness in her voice.

- I just.. I've done something bad, mom. I've.. I've messed up – Lizzie looked Caroline in her eyes.

- Lizzie, listen to me.. Everything's going to be okay, alright ? Don't think about it now, just.. Focus on my heartbeat.. – Caroline responded, and hugged her daughter even more tightly.

Lizzie wanted to tell Caroline on how sorry she was, that she failed her. That, she was not acting like a real daughter of a smart, intelligent, and compassionate vampire, that Caroline was.. That, she was way worse than Josie, and continued on making the same mistakes. That, she again, made a bad choice, and now was facing its consequences.. But, when Caroline told her to just listen to her heart, Lizzie decided to not question it, instead do what Caroline told her, as Lizzie herself felt, like she was slowly losing the control, due to her heightened emotions, connected with meeting her mom again. And, thankfully, it did manage to work, and calm Lizzie's emotions a bit down, which she was very grateful for.. Because, if she did lose control in a place as this one, making that one mistake would be the least of her problems. As for Caroline, she understood her daughter's emotions well, especially after learning what Hope did.. After all, she used to be Lizzie's great friend, and now, that she did something like that, it surely wasn't easy for Lizzie, nor Josie to look at the world the same. Besides, Caroline herself knew well, what it really meant, and felt like to lose your mother.. Especially so unexpectedly, and quickly.

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