CHAPTER XIX: "You cannot control the results, only the actions"

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At first, Caroline wasn't even sure, if what she has heard really happened, or did she hear something wrong. And, the main reason for that was, that she didn't even expect Klaus to say something like that, ever.. Especially not in the place, where the dead ones searched for peace. But, she couldn't lie, and say, that she didn't sense something bad coming.. It could be felt in the air, that anxious feeling, that was transported by the wind right to her, as probably to anyone else here, on the Other Side. The only mystery was on how exactly did Klaus go from stopping two women from fighting to bringing her news about the incoming war..:

- I.. What ? – Caroline questioned Klaus's words.

- Well, unfortunately, Tania, after finding out, that Zied had planned to kill her, has gone off rails, and now is planning to do the exactly same thing to him.. – Klaus explained shortly, but it was still leaving Caroline with some unanswered questions.

- Never hurt a woman's feelings.. But, will she really go against Zied ? I mean, the last time I saw her, she was pretty defensive of him.. Almost, as she cared for that jerk – Caroline looked at Klaus with a confused look in her eyes.

- And, you're not wrong with that statement. She does care for him, as well as he does for her.. Unfortunately, as we discovered that on our ourselves, there are many things you have to overcome to be gifted love, and even then, there will be things trying to separate you. The timing, your family, your.. Common sense.. – Klaus chuckled a little, and only then he realized what he said.

- Yeah.. Loving is.. Complicated. I'm sure it wasn't easy for Tania to find out something like that.. That, the person, whom she cared for, wanted to get rid of her. But, who even told her those tragic news.. ? – Caroline asked, waiting patiently for the answer.

- Well.. That might've been me. But, before you start judging me.. Don't shoot the messenger – Klaus raised his hands above, like he was about to be arrested.

- Oh, believe me.. If I had a gun, I'd probably shoot you. But, you're lucky I don't.. Either way, we have to do something. We can't let all those people kill themselves, by picking Tania's, or Zied's side in this war of theirs.. We need to stop it from even starting. Any ideas.. ? – Caroline replied, thinking of what to do.

- Actually.. Zied has magic, right ? I mean, he is a genie, after all.. In the war, it's going to be all he'll be counting on. His magic to defend himself.. Let's assume, that somehow, somewhere, something magical, like an object, exists in this place. If we'd be able to steal Zied's powers, and lock it somewhere safely, he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone, and at the same time control them.. It's a win, win – Klaus smiled warmly to Caroline, proud of his idea.

- All those trapped souls would be finally free, and able to leave this place for good.. That's.. Oddly smart of you. But, how exactly we'll be able to steal his powers ? I don't suppose you have a witch friend in this place.. – Caroline questioned, which slightly offended Klaus.

- "Oddly smart of me".. ? – Klaus laughed shortly, and raised his eyebrows.

- You're focusing on wrong things, my friend. We should start from something easier, like.. Presenting our plan to Tania. If, it's not too late, of course.. We don't know how much the revenge sank into her – Caroline said, and folded the arms on her chest.

- "My friend" ? You surprise me more, and more with each sentence, love.. But, you're right. We should go, and form an alliance with her.. Something tells me, that Tania, underneath that revenge mask, wants the same thing, that we want. To free those trapped.. – Klaus responded, and started walking out of the alleyway, they were in.

- And, you don't surprise me, even a bit. Still on the same record I see, "my love".. – Caroline replied, and joined Klaus, but after she spoke her words, Klaus stopped walking, and looked at her with a questioning look.

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