CHAPTER XIII: "Sometimes, what we want isn't what's best for us"

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Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts.. Calculations, probabilities, possibilities. So much to think about, that Caroline wasn't sure of what she should think first.. Her attacker was almost revealed, and though she could swear she knew her attacker well, she.. Somehow, she still couldn't remember that person's face, nor voice. And, that was annoying her to the fullest.. Because, being unable to tell the past, was somehow ruining Caroline's present, and she could feel that. She couldn't entirely focus on her current mission, which was to free people from Zied's influence, but instead think of the mysterious person, that the words occurred.. The thing was, it didn't matter how much time she was thinking about the sentences she's heard, or the pain she's felt, because even with that much information, Caroline couldn't put everything together back from the pieces. It was like something damaged her from being able to do so.. She knew, that sooner, or later, her mind would allow her to learn how she even got here, to the Other World in the first place, but.. Even though, some would call her greedy, Caroline wanted to know that now. She didn't want to live in uncertainty, and constant feeling of being lost.. These feelings didn't suit her at all. And, she knew, that she somehow had to get them off of her, in one way, or another.. But, she wasn't sure, if she could, since her mind seemed to plan her remembering everything from the past, very carefully, and by his own laws:

- Caroline.. I know, that nothing is clear anymore, but.. I can tell something's wrong. You are running away with your thoughts in every possible moment.. Do you want me to take you to some safe place, in which you can rest ? – Klaus asked softly.

- I told you, I'm fine. You don't want us to miss a party, do you now.. ? So, let's move ! – Caroline answered, not wanting to trouble Klaus with her state.

- No, Caroline. We are not moving from here, until you tell me the truth.. – Klaus said firmly.

- It's nothing, Klaus.. Please, can we go now ? We shouldn't waste more time.. – Caroline replied, trying to stop Klaus from worrying, but it seemed like it didn't work.

- This is not a bargain, love – Klaus placed his hand on Caroline's, and gently started stroking it.

At first, Caroline stayed silent. She didn't want to speak about her feelings, because nothing bad was truly happening.. It was just.. Something, which she'd already got used to. So, who really cared, if her visions started getting more realistic, and managed to hurt her this time.. ? It was no big deal. Maybe it was a little scary for Caroline at first, but she was an adult now, and if she spent her entire life on fearing, and crying over each hurt she experiences, she wouldn't be the person she was now.. So, truly, there was nothing to talk about. But, from the other hand, Caroline couldn't hide the fact, that she felt like something was wrong.. Usually flashbacks, visions, and retrospectives are not connected with pain. Especially, physical one.. Sure, sometimes remembering about the stuff from your past, that you always seemed to feel was there, but you couldn't really put your finger on what that was, can cause you some mental pain, like you don't know who you are anymore, but.. Physical pain ? There was something wrong, and every other person would say the same thing.. Visions, or whatever, have no right to cause physical pain. So, her past demons being able to hurt her, meant, that something was odd.. It meant either she was changing in this place, or there was something off with her brain:

- Okay, fine. Whatever.. Just, promise not to judge, and not get mad at me for not complaining before. Alright.. ? – Caroline finally gave up with being so defendant.

- You have my word on that.. – Klaus looked Caroline in her eyes, which was sincerely making her lose the ground beneath her feet. There was just something about his gaze..

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