CHAPTER XXXXII: "Imperfection is a core dimension of freedom"

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When Caroline, and Lizzie managed to arrive at the place of the meeting, just in the right time, they were both filled with many emotions. Lizzie was rather thrilled to be back, and felt quite honorable to be the person, that everyone was looking forward to meeting, and one, that was the key to destroying Zied's reign, and his own person.. She was always looking for this kind of appreciation, ever since she was just a little girl, that she's never got from Alaric, who was supposed to be her biggest supporter. And, it was all, because of her state, and the fact, that she was bipolar, that she hardly ever got praised for things, that she did, or at least was trying to do.. And, from the longest, that she could remember, it was always Hope, and Josie, who were coming first for Alaric, rather than her. And, not only for him, but for everyone else, also.. Because, after all.. The girl with problems will always be a problem herself. And, everyone in School, as well, as in Lizzie's life, knew that well.. So, the fact, that she was finally getting the recognition, that she had always deserved, was making her feel wanted. Needed.. And, that was the best kind of feeling. As for Caroline, she was quite troubled to stand among so many people, who wanted to go against Zied.. She did use to be one of them, but now.. After everything, which had happened with Zied, she.. She felt like a traitor. Someone, who wasn't supposed to be there.. Someone, who shouldn't call herself a 'revolutionist'. Someone, who didn't deserve to be a part of all of this.. But, Caroline's already made her choice. And, there was no going back.. So, she knew well, that instead of complaining, she should accept her decision, embrace it. Be, in the skin of someone, whom she now wasn't..:

- That's her. Lizzie.. She's a siphoner, who'll weaken Zied, so we can be able to take him down, and.. Lock him in the Pandora's Box. From where, there's no escaping.. – Hayley summarized Lizzie's statement.

- And, that's how, our problem will be dealt with. Any questions.. ? – Tania asked, with a smile on her face, that everything was going according to the plan, and people were intrigued.

- No. For me, everything is settled.. We shall talk about more precise plan of defense on our next meeting, which I'm looking forward to – the leader of the vampires said.

- So.. That means you are all in ? You agree upon our plan.. ? You'll.. You'll fight beside us ? – Tania looked at the vampire's leader with hope in her eyes.

- I don't see any other options, my dear. I truly believe, that we all can achieve something great.. Would be a shame not to support a brilliant, and strategic plan. Additionally, prepared by our own kind.. – vampire's leader winked to Tania, and then all the vampires left in a second.

- And, how about you, Sonia.. ? Are you all, witches, interested in fighting ? – Hayley asked, trying to sound as nice, as it was possible.

- Well, it is surely something, that needs to be thought through. We'll meet you all here on the next meeting, and present our final decision.. But, from what I'm seeing.. There's no reason for us to say 'no' – Sonia smiled slightly, and looked at Lizzie, on which seeing, she also smiled.

- Thank you. We appreciate it, dearly.. – Hayley responded, shaking Sonia's hand.

- Don't thank me yet, please. These witches are stubborn.. Which means there's a long night ahead of me, but.. I do not predict any complications. Plus, I have my magic of charisma working out for me.. – Sonia chuckled a little, and then all the witches left.

- We've done it.. I can't believe it, Hayley, we've done it ! – Tania raised her voice from happiness, and hugged Hayley tightly.

- Stage first completed. One more to go.. – Caroline commented to herself.

- Caroline, I.. Could we talk for a second ? – Klaus joined Caroline, on which seeing him, Caroline hugged him, by the impulse.

- I.. Should probably reunite with Landon at this point. This hobbit probably missed me a bunch.. I mean, who wouldn't ? I'll see you later, mom.. – Lizzie said, and decided to leave the situation in Caroline's hands.

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