CHAPTER V: "Uncertainty is the most stressful feeling"

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Voices. Nothing else, but loud voices were now echoing through Caroline's mind, as Klaus was doing his own thing.. She wanted to control it, control herself, and her own mind, and help, but.. For some unknown to her reason, she couldn't. It almost felt like her mind was ordering her to remember what has happened before she got to Peace, and though she was thrilled she was finally getting back her memories, Caroline wished they could come in more suitable moments.. And, not like in this one – in the middle of the argument, and well.. Technically, a fight. But, though Caroline wished she would have a control over this process of her getting back her memories, there was nothing she could do about it.. Because, all the power was in her mind's "hands". Only it, could decide on when Caroline should start remembering her lost memories.. And, in the moment, as her vision went black, yet again, she heard the same voice yet again, but still.. Though, she was finding that voice oddly familiar, she couldn't really tell to whom it belonged to. It was like.. It wasn't yet the time for her to learn about who she was talking to, before she technically died, and so she couldn't tell who's voice that was.. And, that troubling question about who that mysterious person was, who saw her miserable ending, was truly annoying, and stressing Caroline out. If someone would've asked her, if she'd want to get her memories piece by piece, or get everything in one moment, she'd obviously choose the second option.. Because, who would've want to be in such a situation, in which Caroline was ? Probably no one..:

- I'm so sick of being controlled by my emotions. It's like love, lose, grief, repeat.. I am finally free – an odd, yet familiar voice echoed in Caroline's voice.

As those words were the only ones, that Caroline could hear, what was troubling her more was the fact, that she couldn't see that much. Throughout that "vision", or "flashback", she was facing pitch darkness, and something was telling her, that there must've been something connected with that memory.. Whether it was something, that led to her death, or something, which happened before the tragic event, Caroline didn't really care. Yeah, she was curious on why she was feeling the way she was feeling, and why she couldn't remember the closest past, but in the current moment, it wasn't the most important thing.. While she was remembering about her lost memories, Klaus was out there alone, fighting on his own. And, that worry, and care, that suddenly appeared inside of Caroline's heart, quickly managed to get her out of the place of her memories, and take her back to the reality, in which she noticed, she wasn't in the same place before.. Or, rather not exactly there, but really close. Because, the moment, she was brought back to the Peace, and she blinked a couple of times to adjust to the new surroundings, she noticed there was the same witch, who betrayed both Klaus, and her, beside her, and they both were hiding behind some old blankets, car pieces, and bins, that made Caroline truly surprised..:

- Are you okay.. ? – the witch asked, with some fear in her eyes.

- What.. Where are we ? Where's Klaus.. ? – Caroline answered, putting a hand on her head, that was slightly hurting her, still.

- He told me to take you away, because you suddenly blacked out. Like, literally.. There was this weird color inside of your eyes, and you weren't responding to the man, that was with you, so he got quite worried about you – the witch responded, in a calm tone of voice, noticing Caroline was okay.

- Do you know where he is, right now.. ? – Caroline replied, because all she could think about, was Klaus's safety.

- I think he's still fighting with Zied, and his people. I tried to help him, because you didn't betray me, and you kept your promise, but the second he saw, what was happening with you, he asked me to take you away into some safe place.. – the witch said, looking around, nervously.

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