CHAPTER XII: "It is never about who is right or wrong, it is about what is best"

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Flashing lights, just like the lights in the bar, where real parties start with the first shadow ready to cover the entire world. Itching pain, just like the pain, one can feel, when their wound is healing, or.. Perhaps just opening.. Caroline wasn't surprised with what she felt, but rather with why it was happening now. She hasn't had such thing occurring her since.. A long time, and besides, it was quite troubling to her on why her flashbacks would only come back in such moments. In moments, when her blood pressure was raising, the adrenaline was filling up her body, the stress was spreading throughout her mind.. Generally, after something big has just happened, or in the exact moments, when it was happening. But, it wasn't like she had any control over that..:

- I finally realized.. I am my father's daughter – the same voice, which Caroline has heard before, echoed.

Though usually after a second, or two, when the voice wasn't talking anymore, the flashback was ending, this time it was different.. Ten seconds passed, twenty, thirty, a whole minute. And, Caroline was still in the darkness.. She tried to blink a couple of times, then hundreds, but she still wasn't seeing anything colorful, or anything, which had shape in the first place. But, then she felt it.. Something, or rather someone pushing her onto a solid, and hard wall somewhere behind her, that she didn't know, where came from. Then, she felt that someone kicking her even farer from the place she was.. But, it still wasn't enough to keep her down on the ground. And, so with slight exhaustion, as well as annoyance, she got up, trying to contain herself, and see, who was attacking her.. But, then she felt this sharp pain from a wooden stake being placed in her back, very close to the heart, which made Caroline fall on the ground.. She tried to pull it out from her back, but not only was it tough to reach it, but also the wooden stake wouldn't move, when she actually managed to do so. Instead, she felt it going through her skin a little deeper.. Caroline tried to desperately grasp for air, but she was only met with disappointment. She couldn't do so, and so she felt like any time now, it was going to be over for her.. That's when she suddenly noticed some light in the close distance. And, for some reason she knew, that it was her only way out of this place.. If she wanted to end this suffering, she had to somehow get to that place – if not by walking, then by crawling. And, that's when her painful, and tiring journey started, in which she didn't care about anything, but just reaching that place, even if she was going to reach it with only her one hand, or with the tip of one of her fingers.. No matter what was going to happen to next, or however she was feeling, she had to reach that place. But, before she managed to do so, someone stopped her from touching the light, placing its shoe on Caroline's back, so she wasn't able to move anymore.. Then, she felt the wooden stake being pulled up, which she hoped would be the end of her pain. But, instead of it being so, she's heard the same voice casting a spell, and then she felt it.. Many pieces of the stake piercing her body. The pain was now in many different places, that was making Caroline lose her mind, as couldn't focus on even one of them.. After that, she just felt someone stepping on her back :

- And, I'm cool with that.. – the voice echoed one last time, and right after it did, Caroline with real toughness somehow managed to reach the light, which brought her back to the Other World.

First few seconds of being able to vary the shapes, and colors again, were the seconds, in which Caroline started rapidly, and greedily catching the air to her lungs. And, only after she somehow managed to contain her breath, and get it back on the track, she started checking her back to see, if the whole thing was just a flashback, or did it really happen now.. Thankfully though, it didn't seem like Caroline got hurt, as she didn't feel anything placed in her back, nor the pain, as she did before, which meant.. The whole thing happened right before she died. Maybe, it was even the cause of her dying.. The injuries, the wooden pieces reaching her heart. But, it's not like she had even time to think about it, as soon enough, she felt someone placing his hand on her arm, which made her flinch..:

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