CHAPTER XXXXI: "There is kind of beauty in imperfection"

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Although Zied already felt like a victory man, there was still many things, that he was finding problematic, and quite annoying for his own dislike. The first one, obviously being the incompetence of his own soldiers.. After all, in two days, there was expected a battle to begin, and if Zied's soldiers showed such sides of them, as some of these already did, he'd be very embarrassed to even begin with. Sure, he had all the favors in his hands, aces up his sleeve, and quite an enormous leverage, however.. He couldn't show himself from a bad side. A weak one, that would discourage new, potentials soldiers, that perhaps Zied could find among Tania's people.. Among people, who'd Zied would make sure of, would never commit the same mistake, as crossing him again. However, it, unfortunately, wasn't everything, that Zied was finding annoying.. There was still this one thing, regarding a person of Zied's past interest. Tania herself, who was slowly climbing up the ladder to become Zied's number one enemy, because of all her mischievous doings.. And, it wasn't like he was that upset about it, in all seriousness, he was quite proud of her, because she was just now showing this quite curious side of her, that he never got to see. One, that was courageous, brave, and sensible, with a little scent of bossiness.. One, that was perhaps, making Tania the only person, who'd be a good challenge against Zied, and the only person worth of standing against him. However, it still wasn't changing the fact, that Tania was making things quite difficult for Zied himself, and he couldn't just let such things happen anymore.. It was 'playtime' over for Tania. And, when Zied arrived at the factory, feeling very angry with everything, that happened, he knew exactly what he had to do next, in order to sort out his problems..:

- Get them out of here. And, out of our ranks for good.. I do not want to see even a glimpse of them both, as they failed me – Zied ordered, which his people immediately did, leading two people responsible for Lizzie's 'escape', outside.

- That was.. A bit harsh. But, who am I to judge.. So, what's your plan now ? – Austin asked, visibly scared to upset Zied.

- Being harsh is the only way to survive in this world, my friend. And, well.. All we have to do now, is find that little witch.. And, meaning 'we', I actually mean 'you', if you couldn't read between the lines – Zied answered, not looking at Austin, and sat down on the couch.

- I.. Understood the first time. But, what would you like me to do exactly.. ? Shall I bring her to you ? Deliver her something.. ? I'll do anything – Austin replied, choosing his words carefully.

- I expect nothing less, Austin.. And, no.. I don't think bringing her here would be a good move. She just happened to reunite with her mother.. Separating them would be something only cruel people would do, don't you think ? – Zied smiled slightly, which sent a chilling feeling down Austin's spine.

- Yes, of course, you're.. You're right. So, what are you planning to do with her.. ? – Austin responded, concerned for his next mission.

- Nothing of the sort we did, and achieved today, of that, you can be sure. I just.. Want you to find her, and.. Send her a little message.. – Zied started his sentence.

- What message.. ? – Austin asked, wanting desperately to know.

- One, that will get her back on the right tracks, of course.. ! Because you see my friend.. Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman holds a key to one of the destinies, that we do not want to see – Zied said mysteriously, but Austin decided to not question that, and do, as Zied was saying.

Austin knew, that whatever he was getting himself into, wasn't the safest, nor the most intelligent, or kind. But, from the very first days, that Austin could remember of being on the Other Side, it was always Zied, who'd he have the pleasure of seeing each day.. It was always Zied commanding others, and making hard decisions, that no one else wanted to make. It was always Zied, who'd make sure, that all his 'subjects' were satisfied, protected, and felt needed again, as they did, back, when they were alive.. And, so by being around Zied so much, Austin got used to him, giving commands, and ordering, and bossing people around. He got used to that so much, that at some point, he just stopped trying to talk Zied out of some of his mad plans, and just followed his lead, like he was some kind of a cult leader.. Even though, many of the missions, that Austin was asked to fulfill, weren't exactly what he imagined, or wanted to do, when he entered Zied's ranks. Many of these missions were actually going against everything he stood for, but.. Who was he to judge, huh.. ? So, he blindly decided to follow Zied's lead, although he could notice him also getting lost in the darkness, and on top of that, quite often. Getting lost in the power, greed, and everything else, which was considered 'bad'.. But, what power did his one little, quiet voice had, over so many louder ones?:

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