CHAPTER XXXXV: "Notice all the people, who make an effort to stay in your life"

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All, that Caroline truly wanted, was to just forget all her problems, even if it'd be for a good minute. Because, despite her, keeping a brave face, ready to face everything, deep down, she was a mess herself.. There were so many mixed emotions, that she had. So much to do for both sides of the conflict.. It was the truth, that she was mainly forced to help Zied in his fight, but nevertheless, it still meant, that she was going to help him. No matter, if she was doing it out of her free will, or she was forced to do it.. The action would still be done, and she had nothing to say in that matter. And, for Caroline, it really felt like a situation with no way out, and she simply just didn't like it.. Didn't like the fact, that she had to lie to so many people – Klaus, her friends, even her own daughter. Caroline was always better than that, but now, she was no better than Zied himself.. And, her conscience seemed to want her to remember that, at every possible occasion. Because, whenever she started feeling good, normal, her mind was going back again to the moment, when her, and Zied had a little chat in one of his 'estates'.. So, the plan of having a training with Klaus, was the moment for her to focus on her moves, and what she was doing, and forget about the problems, that were weighting down her shoulders. Only after she'd rest a bit, she would go back to fixing her mistakes.. When Caroline managed to get ready in just 15 minutes, as she promised Klaus, she decided to not waste any more time, and swiftly join Klaus in their training time. However, before she walked over to Klaus in the first place, upon seeing, that he hasn't noticed her walking his way yet, she decided to test his reflex, and.. Picked up a rock from the ground, which she then threw straightly at Klaus..:

- Ah, I see someone's in quite a good form.. – Caroline commented, upon Klaus catching the rock in his hands.

- Well, I did try to tell you, that your fighting spirit is useless, but.. I wasn't allowed to say anything. Although, that spirit of yours, is quite cute.. Could see how well it transfers onto your abilities – Klaus responded, on which Caroline made an offended face.

Caroline wasn't defenseless now. Nor, has she ever been.. Even before her transition to a vampire, she was always bulletproof. Or, at least, tried to twist the reality, and pretend like it was that way.. Because, when Katherine Pierce ended Caroline's human life, in reality, she did her a huge favor. Caroline used to be always jealous of others, and feel, like she was lacking a lot, which was making her shallow, and unlikeable.. But, when she turned into a vampire, it was like none of people's opinions really mattered. Caroline became someone confident, who knew, who she was, and what she was capable of.. And, so whenever she had doubts about who she was anymore, Caroline was always reminding herself of the good old days of her, as the beginner vampire, when she felt the most like herself, since she could remember. The good old days, when all her worries were merely containing, and controlling her desires, connected to hunger.. And, that's, what always kept her going, and keeping her chin high. The dream of becoming again the person, she once was.. The person, that she, in reality, quite missed. Even, in such mediocre situations, as this one..:

- I mean, I didn't want to tell you, because I felt like you'd freak out, but.. If you need to know, then I'll let you know, that I'm the would-be queen of combat. As in 'you stand no chances against me'.. – Caroline chuckled a little, and attacked Klaus again, this time with her fist to his shoulder, which he quickly dodged.

- The would-be queen, eh.. ? I think I happen to remember, who the elected king of the combat is, actually, now that you mention it.. If my memory does not fail me – Klaus started his talk, which Caroline tried to interrupt with the next, sudden punch, this time to Klaus's jaw, but managed to fail again, and that didn't seem to bother Klaus, at all. It was like he enjoyed this game of theirs..

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